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Noticias - Máster Universitario en Nuevas Tecnologías Electrónicas y Fotónicas

Student to join the Optics Group of the University of Cantabria

12 may 2020 - 10:30 CET

Dear Friends,
We are looking for a student (Early Stage Researcher) to join the Optics Group of the University of Cantabria (https://grupos.unican.es/optica/index.html) to work on numerical and theoretical research in Optical Devices with Reconfigurable Materials within the FET-OPEN project “PHEMTRONICS: ACTIVE OPTICAL PHASE-CHANGE PLASMONIC TRANSDIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS ENABLING FEMTOJOULE AND FEMTOSECOND EXTREME BROADBAND ADAPTIVE RECONFIGURABLE DEVICES” (Contract #H2020- FETOPEN-2018-2019-2020-01-899598). The starting date of this project is the 1st of June 2020.
The candidate will have preferably a Master degree in Physics or closely related discipline such as Engineering. The successful candidate will be trained in computational and experimental methods in active matter physics. Previous experience with experimental and/or computational methods in the fields related to the project will be considered a plus. For additional details, please contact Prof. Fernando Moreno below and/or send CV to morenof@unican.es.
We would be grateful if you could circulate this position announcement within your students and colleagues.
Prof. Fernando Moreno
Professor of Optics. Head of Department
Department of Applied Physics (Group of Optics). Faculty of Sciences
Avda. de los Castros s/n. 39005 Santander (Spain) UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA
Phone + 34 942 201 444, Fax +34 942 201402


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