Institutos Universitarios

IPARCOS seminars, colloquia and journal club. 2018


List of IPARCOS seminars and colloquia:

- IPARCOSastro-seminars coordinated by Enrica Bellocchi, Patricia Sánchez Blazquez, Armado Gil de Paz and David Montes

IPARCOSFT-seminar coordinated by Felipe Llanes.

IPARCOS colloquiums coordinated by Luis J. Garay.

 IPARCOS NUC-seminars  cordinated by

 IPARCOS Journal Club  cordinated by Clara Peset

- see IPARCOS YouTube channel


Announc. Date/Time Place Type Title

Speaker / Institution

Available at


December 10th 2018, 15h:30

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Supermassive Black Holes and its effects on galaxy evolution

Bililing T. Dullo

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


November 29th 2018, 15h:30

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Eclipsing binaries: mass transfer and starspots

Shinjirou Kouzuma
(postdoc grupo Astrofísica Estelar)


November 15th 2018, 15h:30

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Discovery of a new planet around one of the closest stars through CARMENES data: Barnard's star b
Paper: “A super-Earth planet candidate orbiting at the snow-line of Barnard’s star”,
Ribas et al. Nature 563, 365–368 (2018)
Press release: “Descubierto un planeta orbitando el segundo sistema estelar más cercano a la Tierra

David Montes

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  



November 7th 2018, 15h:30

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Discussion about paper:
The merger that led to the formation of the Milky Way’s inner stellar halo and thick disk
Amina Helmi, et al. Nature 563, 85–88 (2018)

Various Speakers

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


October 24th 2018, 15h:30

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




weekly astro-meeting

Various Speakers

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


October 15th 2018, 15h:30

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




The MOSAIC project.


Jesus Gallego

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


October 1th 2018, 15h:00

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Discussion about paper:
"A dynamically young and perturbed Milky Way disk"
T. Antoja, et al. Nature volume 561pages360362 (2018)

Various Speakers

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


September 24th 2018, 15h:00

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Discussion about how outflows in galaxies work, related with SNe feedback, AGN feedback and other effects you can think on.

The main question is: Is it the fountain effect consistent with observations and simulations?

Various Speakers

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


June 26th 2018, 15h:00

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Spatially-resolved analysis of the Star Formation Rate: insights on the activation and quenching mechanisms in bulges and disks

Abstract: To examine the relative role of the processes that can trigger and quench star formation on different spatial scales, it is essential to isolate the basic stellar structures that shaped galaxies (spiral arms, bars, bulges, etc.). Thus, we have combined a 2D multi-component photometric decomposition with CALIFA IFS data in a representative sample of 220 nearby galaxies. This allows us to determine the stellar mass and SFR from each of these components. Based on these parameters, the Star Formation Main Sequence of galaxies is explored. The main finding is that not only more massive galaxies but also more massive star-forming disks and earlier-type spiral disks have undergone efficient suppression of their star formation. We evaluate which mechanisms might be responsible for this quenching process. In particular, we analyze the presence of AGNs as a possible internal cause of star formation shutdown. The sSFR–M∗ relation for both disks and bulges is analyzed, finding that type-2 AGNs play a role damping the sSFR in bulges and less efficiently in disks. We emphasize the importance of the spatially-resolved analysis to provide an in-depth understanding of the processes that govern star formation. 

Cristina Catalán Torrecilla

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


June 21th 2018, 15h:00

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Applying deep learning techniques to analyzing weak lensing data

Summary: Weak lensing (WL) measurements allow us to reconstruct the evolution of the matter density field, unlocking a wealth of cosmological information. As a result, many experiments such as Euclid, WFIRST or LSST will include extensive WL measurements as part of their scientific program. I will discuss our efforts to extract as much cosmological information from these upcoming datasets as possible. In particular, I will show as a proof of concept how neural networks can extract information from simulated WL maps beyond two-point statistics and some non-Gaussian observables.

José Manuel Zorrilla Matilla

Department of Astronomy in the Columbia University


June 11th 2018, 15h:00

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Estudio del medio circumgaláctico en galaxias simuladas

Santi Roca-Fabrega

UPARCOS, Univ. UCM, Dtpo. FTA, GUAIX Group  


June 4th 2018, 15h:00

Seminar room of theoretical physics (4rd floor)




Star-forming galaxies at low-redshift in the SHARDS survey: physical and morphological properties.

Alejandro Lumbreras-Calle




Seminarios de miembros de IPARCOS en el ciclo "Hablemos de Física"


Announc. Date/Time Place Type Title

Speaker / Institution

Available at

04 octubre 2018


Aula Magna



Toda la luz del Universo

Alberto Domínguez





* Seminars organized by the differente research groups:

Seminarios de Astrofísica:


Seminarios de Física Teorica


- Seminarios de FAMN


Deep learning as a tool for scientific data analysis: Introduction and hands-on session

Daniel Nieto (GAE-UCM)

Date: 17/05/2018
      15:00 - 16:00: Introduction session
      16:00 - 17:00: Hands-on session

Location: Room 19, second floor

RSVP here (for a headcount):

Abstract: It's been a while since we have had computers learn  fromsci  entific datasets to help squeezing the most out of our experimentsand astrophysical observatories. Nowadays, the "deep learning"revolution that is uplifting artificial intelligence to its next level is also permeating into the analysis of data from instruments as different as the LHC and LIGO, thus having an impact on fields from cosmology to particle physics. In this seminar we intend to a) present a brief introduction to deep learning for non-experts and give a quick overview on how various experiments and observatories are already exploiting this machine learning technique, and b) walk the attendants through a tutorial where they will learn the basics of how to build a simple deep-learning model and how to train it on their own laptops.

Note: For the hands-on session we will be using the TensorFlow machin elearning framework. Please bring your own laptop loaded with a working installation of TensorFlow if you plan to participate in this activity.

The installation of TensorFlow is quite simple. A summarized set of instructions can be found here (recommended):

The official instructions can be accessed here:


24 de octubre de 2017 - SEMINARIO Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, FAMN, Físicas, UCM

Título:  "Physical properties of Gamma-Ray Blazars"

Conferenciante: Vaidehi S. Paliya, Clemson University, SC, USA

Hora: 15:00 h
Lugar: Seminario del dpto. FAMN: 3ª Pl, 218.A de la Facultad de Físicas, UCM