Deadlines: |
Ordinary/National Students: 7th to 28th June 2024
International Students: 7th June to 8th July 2024
- Applicants with EvAU (university entrance examination), professional training studies or equivalent and graduates
- EU international students or countries with an agreement and Non-EU international students
- Applicants for bachelor degrees with specific exams.
- ONLY for bachelor degrees with available places.
Where to apply: |
- The procedure will be carried out on the internet (see Remarks below).
- Application online for Adult students. AVAILABLE INFO 2024/25
- The mandatory documents must be uploaded.
Once the application online is finished, you will receive an e-mail with the steps to follow. The process does not finish until you submit the supporting documents. |
Supporting Documentation: |
ORDINARY DOCUMENTS, Common to all access groups:
- Application form must be filled out by the person concerned.
- DNI, NIE or passport.
SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS, that are needed depending on the different admissions group:
- Students with PAU/EVAU in Spain: card and/or the specific/voluntary stage card. For the application process 2024/25 (both stages), it will be valid the specific stage passed in 2023/24 and 2024/25.
- EU international students or from countries with a bilateral agreement and International baccalaureate:
- Verification of requirements for admission to Spanish universities issued by UNEDassis.
- Admission scores and/or recognition of courses issued by UNEDassis.
- Verification of their Spanish level (B2 required) issued by UNEDassis.
- Non-EU international students:
- Accreditation/recognition of their school leaving certificate by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
- Admission scores issued by UNEDassis.
- Accreditation of a Bachillerato modality: PCE´s exams must be taken in the UNEDassis.
- Verification of their Spanish level (B2 required) issued by UNED.
- Non-EU students who do not take the university entrance exams (PCE´s) but have the requirements, can apply for admission in the July (extraordinary) second call:
- Accreditation/recognition of the school leaving certificate to the Spanish "título de bachiller" by the Spanish Ministry of Education (not worth being processed).
- Copy of ID
- Verification of their Spanish level (B2 required) issued by UNEDassis
- Priority is given to those who have passed the entrance examination (PCE´s). In fact, places will be awarded only if there were free places left in the bachelor degrees requested once completed the admission procedures. Most bachelor degrees have no places in extraordinary call (July).
- Graduates: Foreign diplomas must be recognised/validated by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. An official certificate with the student's records is also required.
Results and Claims: |
Ordinary Admission Period-First call (June):
- Pre-enrolment:
- Ordinary/National Students: 7th (9:00 a.m) to 28th of June 2024.
- International Students: 7th June (9:00 a.m.) to 8th July (14:00 p.m) 2024.
- Admitted students list: 12th July 2024 (9:00 a.m.)
- Claims: 12th, 15th and 16th July 2024
- Waiting List: 15th, 16th and 17th July 2024
Extraordinary Admission Period-Second call (July):
- Pre-enrolment: 22nd July (9:00 a.m.) to 26th July 2024
- Admitted students list: 4th September 2024 (9:00 a.m.)
- Claims: 4th and 5th September 2024
- Wating List: 5th and 6th September 2024
Results will be notified by private mail to each applicant.
Applicants may check the results at the UCM webpage. Accepted students can access the admissions letter through "consulta de resultados", where the activation code will be found.
Claims will be handed in at the University in which the specific degree is offered either by post or in person.
For UCM degrees:
Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes (opposite Ciudad Universitaria tube station) Avda. Complutense, s/n 28040 - Madrid
Unsuccessful applicants who followed the steps for the UCM waiting list must not submit any claim form.
Claim form
Waiting List: |
Admission Calls will be released whenever there is availability of places.
Procedure for the waiting lists |
Remarks: |
- Public Universities in Madrid (Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad Autónoma, Universidad Carlos III, Universidad Complutense, Universidad Politécnica and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) are considered single district, therefore only one application form must be filled out with the degrees options chosen according to preference order.
- For the application process 2024/25 (both ordinary and extraordinary calls) the specific stage passed at 2023/24 and 2024/25 will be valid.
NOTICE: Our information is always updating, please surf in our web pages time to time, in order to be correctly updated.
Web: |
https://www.ucm.es/preinscripcion-1 |
Administration Office: |
Sección de Admisión |