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HR inititiatives at UCM

UCM Code of good practice in research

On February 2019 a work group has been created with the aim to create the UCM Code of good practices in research.

According to the Action Plan, the code shall be based on fundamental principles of research integrity defined by EC: Reliability, Honesty, Respect, Accountability. The code shall describe good research practices in contexts such as: research environment; trainign and supervision; research procedures; data management; colaborative working; publication and dissemination; evaluation. It shall also include: commitment to inform about contingencies in research projects; compliance with UCM policies; sumbission of research proposals; ethical and regulatory issues; intellectual property and commercialization; conflicts of interest; documenting results; etc. The code of good practices shall be available online to all newcomers and present research staff.

The group shall also desing self-assessment and self-training tools related to good practices in research.

The Group shall be composed by researchers from the four great research areas at UCM.

UCM Code of good practice in PhD

A working group was created to design and implement a pilot program for PhD thesis directors.

After four months of analysis, discussions and creative work (November 2018-February 2019), an UCM Code of good practice in PhD was proposed to the UCM PhD Committee.

The Working Group was composed by researchers from the four different scientific domains (click here for details).

Selection and Recruitment Guidelines

A working group was created to analyze the current selection procedures and to adapt them to OMT-R guidelines.

From April to December 2018, the group analized the current selection procedures concerning predoctoral and postdoctoral positions funded by UCM own financing, as well as selection procedures related to research staff hired within externally funded research projects, and ellaborated Internal Guidelines for the three selection procedures, as well as Guidelines for applicants, Guidelines for online Applicants, and other tools addressed to improve our selection and recruitment procedures. 

The group was composed by researchers at different stages of their careers and from different domains (click here for further details).