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Studies on Intermediality and Intercultural Mediation
Laboratorios, seminarios y otras instalaciones
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SIIM Description
SIIM Projects
KnowledgeTransfer Projects
SIIM News & Activities
SIIM Publications
SIIM Knowledge Transfer (Transferencia de resultados del conocimiento)
New Narratives for Europe from the Humanities: Critical Thinking Skills in the Realm of Ethics and Social Responsibility
New Narratives for Europe. Survey and Statistics
New Narratives for Europe. Survey and Statistics
119-2017-08-14-Statistics. Survey1a.pdf
119-2017-08-14-Statistics. Survey1b.pdf
119-2017-08-14-Statistics. Survey2a.pdf
119-2017-08-14-Statistics. Survey2b.pdf
Razones para sentirse europeo/a
Razones Económicas
Razones Geográficas 1
Razones Geográficas 1
Razones para sentirse europeo/a
Razones Históricas
Razones Religiosas
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