Laboratorios, seminarios y otras instalaciones

Myong Soon-ok


Myong Soon-ok (M.A. in Foreign Affairs and National Security, Yonsei, Seoul, Korea, 1998; M.A. in State Law, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2009; Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 2013) associate professor at the Department of Far East Asian Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Her research interests focus on ethnic and cultural minority, and diaspora in Central Asia.  Contact: <>

 Some publications

The Great Silk Road in Kazakhstan

The Cultural Politics of Restoring Ethnic Identity.

Modern Kazakhstan in the Global World after Independence

Identity Politics of Kazakhstani Koreans

Kazakhstani Koreans: Conflicts of Linguistic Identity

Cultural Politics of Otherizing Hijabed Muslims in Kazakhstan.