- Portada
- SIIM: Research and Social Innovation
- SIIM KICS: knowledge and Innovation Communities
- Giovanna di Rosario
Giovanna di Rosario
Giovanna Di Rosario (MA, M.P.S., MSSc.) received her PhD in Digital Culture at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Di Rosario teaches Communication Culture – Digital Culture at the Department of Design at the Polytechnic of Milan and is the associate director of Hermeneia Research Group – University of Barcelona, where she conducts research on digital humanities, digital literature, and digital rhetoric. Di Rosario won 6 international competitive grants in different countries in Europe, among them a Marie Curie Actions Grant, and worked at the University of Geneve (Switzerland), Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium), IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Siena (Italy), University of Barcelona (Spain), and University of Jyväskylä (Finland). From 2013 to 2015 she was the local co-coordinator of the ERAMUS MUNDUS PhD Programme “Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones”, programme selected and funded by the EU for its innovative and challenging approach to the Humanities. In 2016 Di Rosario was an Invited Professor at the UNAM – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where she gave an intensive course on Literature in the digital environment. She has been an invited lecturer in several countries in Europe and worldwide such as in Argentina, India, Brazil and has published books and articles on literature, digital literature, and digital culture. Di Rosario has also translated a number of works of digital literature and organized several exhibitions of electronic literature; the last one was held in Barcelona at the Arts Santa Mònica Center in 2016. Di Rosario is also the managing editor of the International Journal of Transmedia Literacy published by LED Edition. She recently gave a talk for the TEDx (TEDXUCLouvain), "From Binary to Infinity", on the transformations of literature due to digital technologies. Di Rosario"s research interests are multiple and varied: comparative literature, digital culture, semiotics and semiotics of new media, transmedia narrative, digital rhetoric and digital aesthetics, and also the theory and practice of translation in the digital environment.
Giovanna Di Rosario (MA, M.P.S., MSSc.) recibió su doctorado en Cultura Digital en la Universidad de Jyväskylä, Finlandia. Di Rosario enseña Communication Culture–Digital Culture en el Departamento del Design (departamento de excelencia 2018-2022) de la Universidad Politécnica de Milán y es codirectora del group de investigación Hermeneia–Universidad de Barcelona, donde realiza investigaciones sobre las humanidades digitales, la literatura digital y la retórica digital. Di Rosario ganó 6 becas internacionales competitivas en diferentes países de Europa, entre ellas una beca Marie Curie Actions Grant, y trabajó en la Universidad de Ginebra (Suiza), la Universidad Católica de Lovaina (Bélgica), el IT University of Copenhagen (Dinamarca), la Universidad de Siena (Italia), la Universidad de Barcelona (España) y la Universidad de Jyväskylä (Finlandia). De 2013 a 2015 fue co-coordinadora local del programa de doctorado ERAMUS Mundus “Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones”, programa seleccionado y financiado por la UE por su enfoque innovador y desafiante para las Humanidades. En 2016 Di Rosario fue profesora invitada en la UNAM-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, donde dio un curso intensivo de literatura en el entorno digital. Ha sido conferenciante invitada en varios países de Europa y en el mundo, como Argentina, India y Brasil, y ha publicado libros y artículos sobre la literatura y la literatura y la cultura digital. Di Rosario también tradujo algunas obras de literatura digital y organizó varias exposiciones de literatura electrónica, la última de las cuales se realizó en Barcelona en el Centro Arts Santa Mònica en 2016. Di Rosario es también la editora gerente del International Journal of Transmedia Literacy publicado por LED Edition. Recientemente dio una charla para TEDx (TEDXUCLouvain), "From Binary to Infinity", sobre las transformaciones de la literatura debido a las tecnologías digitales.
Some publications
G. Di Rosario, “Gender as Patterns. Unfixed Forms in Electronic Poetry”, in M. Mencía Women#thech, Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2017 pp. 267-284.
L. Borràs and G. Di Rosario, Pixelated Words. Literature in the Digital Age, Barcelona: ILC Press, 2017.
M. Ciastellardi and G. Di Rosario G. (eds.), Transmedia Literacy. From Storytelling to Intercreativity in the Era of Distributed Authorship, International Journal of Transmedia Literacy, Milan: Led, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015.
E. De Santa E. and G. Di Rosario (eds.), Texto Digital, Florianópolis, Vol. 11, No. 1 & 2, jan./jun. & jul./dez. 2015.
G. Di Rosario, Electronic Poetry. Understanding Poetry in the Digital Environment, Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä Press,2011.