Institutos Universitarios



  • Arenal, C. y Sanahuja, J.A. (Coords.) (2015): "Teorías de las Relaciones Internacionales." Madrid: Tecnos.

  • Borrell, J. (2015): "About the democratic gobernance of the Euro" En "The future of Europe, Democracy, Legitimacy and Justice" Innereraty, D. Maduro, M. ROWMAN&LITTELFIELD PUBLISHERS.

  • Cruces,J., Alvarez, Ignacio. Trillo, F. and Leonardi, S. (2015): “Impact of the euro crisis on wages and collective bargaining in southern Europe – a comparison of Italy, Portugal and Spain”, in Van Gyes, G. and Schulten,T. (2015): Wage bargaining under the new European Economic Governance Alternative strategies for inclusive growth, European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), Brussels.

  • Sanchis, R.G. 2015. Economic Theories about the Allocation of Time: Review and an Extension for Multitasking. In C.M. Kalenkoski and G. Foster (eds.), The Economics of Multitasking, Palgrave Macmillan US, chapter 2.

  • Luengo, F. y Vicent, L. (2015): Encrucijadas de la moneda única: Algunas claves para la reflexión de la periferia, Ola Financiera, núm. 22, pp. 97-134.