Proyectos de Investigación

Picture credits: Printed publication. Public Domain. 


Web sites:

All the information concerning the project will be available in its institutional web site as well as in the national web sites of the partners:



Data base:

An English-language database for the cases before national courts and the CJEU has been compiled for the period since 21 October 2005. The full text of the judgements is available in their original language in PDF. All results will be properly disseminated to attain as many stakeholders as possible.


Project books:

The main results of the research are intended to be published in books. There will be a book on the national results of the project in the official national language of the different project partners. The Spanish book, Ejecución de decisiones relativas a deudas monetarias en la Unión Europea. Experiencia española y adopción de decisiones informadas, has been published by Dykinson in 2020.

In addition, the overall analysis of the Regulations and their application will be published in a book, written in English, in which ways to further improve the consistency and effectiveness of the current legal framework shall be proposed.