• Español

Explorer Programme UCM-Santander 2019

A new edition begins! Here are the projects that will be receiving training, counselling and mentoring at our Explorer Space UCM during the following 6 months:

Altenea  Bioplásticos con desechos
Boonloop Carreteras de nueva generación
Cuida la vid(a) de tu cultivo Digital Wear Europe
Ecomers Greenchain
I have a problem Insurhealth with premiumcoin
Integrajobs Intercambiado Agua
LimBio Medicamentos Impresos 3D
Nina Nutrik Food
NutriRetreat Proyecto GAPS
Quantum Living ion (Q-Lion) RestaurantApp
Shisha Madrid Sister Api
Tich  Upyourcar


Who will win? Good luck to all of you and we will help you as much as we can, so we can together develop new startups that create social value.

The UCM Finals and Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, 18th June 2019 at 16:00 pm, at Explorer Space UCM.