• Español

Events, Seminars and Conferences

On June 15th and 16th, the facilities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University once again hosted an event by Apimondia, the largest world organization in the area of ​​beekeeping, something that had not happened in Spain for twenty years. On this occasion, the Association of Veterinarians Specializing in Beekeeping (AVESPA) was in charge of organizing a Symposium with the motto “Honeybee welfare in a healthy world”, that is: The well-being of honey bees in a healthy world.


Almost two hundred people of twenty nationalities attended this event, generating a plural and diverse debate, but always with the backdrop of the well-being of bees.


In short, this symposium has been a success in terms of attendance and scientific content, allowing a dialogue between the elites of beekeeping research and the national productive sector. A sector that has once again seen an international level event as the Apimondia Symposia has returned to Spain after a long time, and this time thanks to the work of AVESPA.


         Attendees at the Bee Health’ 24 Madrid-Spain Symposium


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