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Innovation Projects

Types of Articles and Style Guide

Types of Articles and Style Guide

In Ala Este we accept articles concerned with Literary Criticism, Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, always from the methodological point of view of Literary Studies.  Although it is not the main content that we aim to publish, we also accept reviews. Scientific articles must be original and contribute in an effective way to knowledge. Thus, the introduction must contain the theoretical framework (the theoretical basis from which it will be analyzed) and a literature review about the chosen topic (the most relevant articles or monographs about the topic, giving reasons as to why they are relevant to the proposed study).

Ala Este is published in Spanish. Nevertheless, the author must provide an abstract both in English and Spanish. We kindly request to the authors that the articles conform to the journal’s length standards: a minimum of ten pages and a maximum of twenty (source list included). They must also apply the styles indicated below.

Articles must be original, unpublished, and must not be in other journals’ reviewing process. Authors are responsible for the originality of their articles and the proper use of sources before submitting to the journal.

Authors must send their submissions to alaeste@ucm.es. This submission must be sent from an institutional account (e-mail account provided by the university the student is enrolled in); in the absence of one, personal emails will be accepted under the condition that a copy of the proof of enrollment for the same year is provided. Originals must be sent in Word and only one article per author will be accepted per issue.

The articles will be peer-reviewed to guarantee the quality of the articles. Authors will be periodically notified about the status of their articles.

Style Guide

  1. Format

1.1. The article’s title will be at the top of the file (size 14, lower case, bolded and centered). After the title must come, aligned to the right, the author’s full name and the university they are enrolled in. An abstract in both Spanish and English, alongside four key words, must be provided on the first page, below the author’s full name and university. Each abstract must be between 80 and 150 words long.

1.2 All articles (between ten and twenty pages) will be written in Garamond 12, with a spacing of 1.5, must be justified, must have an indentation on the first sentence of each paragraph, and no spacing between paragraphs. Page margins will be 3cm right and left and 2,5cm top and bottom.

1.2.1. Citations in brackets must follow the following format: [Last Name,   DATE: PAGE]. E.g.: [Wolf, 2004: 225]

1.2.2. Audiovisual citations in brackets must follow the following format: [Last Name, DATE: TIME THE CITATION STARTS-TIME THE CITATION ENDS]

E.g.: [Dylan, 2007: 1h 15’ 02’’-1h16’13’’]

1.3. Sources must not be indented.

1.4. Footnotes must be written in Garamond 10. Citations longer than four lines will be textual, in Garamond 11, with a spacing of 1 and no indentation. Under no circumstance will sources be provided in a footnote.


2. Citations and Sources

2.1. Sources must be provided at the end of the file in chronological order. For sources with complementary authorship, the translator and/or editor must be specified after the source’s title.

2.1.1. Book

Last Name, Initials (Year of publication): Book’s Title in Cursive, Edition, Place of publication, Publisher.

Culler, J. (2015): Theory of the Lyric, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press.

2.1.2. Ebook

Last Name, Initials (Year of publication): Book’s Title in Cursive, Edition, Place of publication, Publisher. Available at: URL/DOI [Accessed: day-month-year]

Woolf, V. (1935): A Room of One’s Own, Londres, Hogarth Press. Disponible en: https://archive.org/details/woolf_aroom/page/n1/mode/2up [06/07/2020].

2.1.3. Book Chapter

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): «Chapter’s Title», in Initials, editor’s Last Name, Book’s Title in Cursive, Place of publication, Publisher, Chapter’s Pages.

Combe, D. (1999): «La referencia desdoblada: el sujeto lírico entre la ficción y la autobiografía», en F. Cabo Aseguinolaza (coord.), Teorías sobre la Lírica, Madrid, Arco Libros, pp. 127-153.

2.1.4. Ebook’s Chapter

Last Name, Initials of the chapter’s author (Year of Publication): «Chapter’s Title», in Initials, editor’s Last Name, Book’s Title in Cursive, Edition, Place of publication, Publisher. Available at: URL/DOI [Accessed: day-month-year]

Mackay, P. (2012): «H. D.’s Modernism» en N. J. Christodoulides y P. Mackay, The Cambridge Companion to H. D., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 51-62. Disponible en: https://search-proquest-com.bucm.idm.oclc.org/docview/2137999193/884F3D2B7CFA43C6PQ/4?accountid=14514 [Consulta: 06/07/2020].

2.1.5. Scientific journal Article

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): «Article’s Title», Journal’s Name in Cursive, Volume (Issue), pages.

Maingueneau, D. (2015): «Escritor e imagen de autor», trad. Carole Gouaillier, Tropelías. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, N.º 24, pp. 17-30.

2.1.6 Online journal Article

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): «Article’s Title», Journal’s Name in Cursive, Volume (Issue), pages. Available at: URL/DOI [Accessed: day-month-year].

Carbajosa, N. (2011): «De la vanguardia a la visión: imágenes y modos de representación en la poesía de H. D.», Signa: Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, Madrid, N.º 20, pp. 419-445. Disponible en: https://search-proquest-com.bucm.idm.oclc.org/docview/1151435391 [06/07/2020]. 

2.1.7. Articles from digital newspapers or online press

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): «Article’s Title», Newspaper’s Name in Cursive, day and month of publication. Available at: URL/DOI [Accessed: day-month-year]

Sánchez Vallejo, M. A. (2021), «Nueva York da ejemplo sobre cómo abordar una gran nevada», El País, 12 de enero. Disponible en: https://elpais.com/espana/2021-01-11/nueva-york-da-ejemplo-sobre-como-abordar-una-gran-nevada.html [Consulta: 20/01/2021].

2.1.8. Non-published Academic Papers (Thesis, TFG, TFM)

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): Thesis’ Title in Cursive, Type of paper, University in which it was presented, Place.

Piñero Gil, E. C. (1995): La obra de Marianne Moore: paradigma de una poética femenina, Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid.

2.1.9. Online Academic Papers (Thesis, TFG, TFM)

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): Thesis’ Title in Cursive, Type of paper, University in which it was presented, Place. Available at: URL/DOI [Accessed: day-month-year].

Aguirre Martínez, G. (2013): El universo imaginario de José Ángel Valente, Tesis doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid. Disponible en: https://eprints.ucm.es/id/eprint/20160/ [Consulta: 20/01/2021].

2.1.10. Webpage

Last Name, Initial or Corporate Author (Copyright’s date or last update, if unknown, write n.d.): Webpage’s Title. Available at: URL [Accessed: day-month-year].

Zenda. Autores, libros y compañía (2021): Zenda. Autores, libros y compañía. Disponible en: https://www.zendalibros.com/ [Consulta: 20/01/2021].

2.1.11. Social Media Post

Last Name, Initial or Institution’s Name (Year of Publication): Post’s Title or Exact Quote in Cursive, [Social Media], Day and month. Available at: URL [Accessed: day-month-year].

@RAEinforma (2021): Se cumplen 195 años del nacimiento del director de la Academia Salvadoreña de la Lengua Juan J. Cañas (1826-1918). En el Archivo de la RAE se conservan sus papeles sobre la organización de la corporación de El Salvador: http://ow.ly/gz6P50Db3lV, [Twitter], 19 de enero. Disponible en: https://twitter.com/RAEinforma/status/1351650810753675266?s=20 [Consulta: 20/01/2020]. 

2.1.12. Podcast

Last Name, Initials (Year of Publication): «Interview’s Title, Episode, or Segment», in Last Name, Initials (host), Program’s Title in Curisive, [In Audio Podcast], Date day-month-year. Available at: URL [Accessed: day-month-year].

Martínez Asensio, A. (2021): «Un libro una hora: Tristana - Galdós [17/01/2021]», en Martínez Asensio, A., Un libro una hora, [Audio en pódcast], 17/01/2021. Disponible en: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zdZ2Y8ICSuuM9iSwoVfp3?si=GaW740aDT3-TGTPxXBDVEg [Consulta: 20/01/2021].

2.1.13. Youtube, Vimeo, etc. Video

Page’s Author (person or institution) (Year of Publication): Video Title in Cursive, [Online Video]. Available at: URL [day-month-year].

Trailers y Estrenos (2020): Ane - Trailer subtitulado en español (HD), [Online Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWnBU0xGddY [Consulta: 20/01/2020].

2.2. If there is more than one source by the same author, entries will be ordered by date (from oldest to most recent).

2.3. To avoid repetition, last names will be substituted by three underscores (_ _ _) before the date in parentheses.

2.4. When citing in other languages, citations will not be in cursive. A translation must be provided, be it from a translator or, in the case of no translation being available, a translation by the author. In this last case, «N. T.» must be added.

2.5. Angular quotation marks («») will be used (including articles in the bibliography section). To cite inside the angular quotation marks double quotation marks will be used (“”) and to cite inside them simple quotation marks will be used (‘’). Annotations will go between lines (―).

2.6. Images and graphs must be provided at the end of the document as an appendix in jpg format, referenced in the following manner:

Last Name, Initials (Year): Name of the work/image in cursive (in the case of there being one), Image Bank (physical or digital). Available at: URL [Accessed: day/month/year].

Example: Picasso, P. (1937): Guernica, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. Disponible en: https://www.museoreinasofia.es [Consulta: 20/01/2021].

2.7. Figures, tables and conceptual maps must be included inside the body of the text.

2.8. Brackets will be used for metadiscurssive elements: cut text ([...]), bibliography references, etc.



3. Ortho Typography and other Formal Matters.


3.1. Abbreviations will be the usual, following RAE rules in terms of orthography.






Op. cit.

Ed. cit.

Art. cit.



et al.

3.2. Headings will be bolded and subheadings not bolded, with a carriage return before each heading and two before subheadings. Headings and subheadings will have a maximum extension of a single line. Arabic numbers must be used to distinguish headings and subheadings, like in the following example:

1. Heading


 1. 1. Subheading.


3.3. It is not recommended to accentuate the adverb «solo» or demonstrative pronouns.

3.4. It is not recommended to use the first person pronoun «yo» or the excessive use of «nosotros».

3.5. Clarity will be taken into account, as well as the order of ideas and precision.



4. Specifications for Reviews.


Reviews related to either literary works or Literary Theory and Comparative literature will be accepted, as long as they are published two years before the current academic year at the latest, and must abide by the following specifications:

4.1. The review title must be at the top of the file (Garamond, size 14, lower case, bolded, centered). After the title will follow the name, last name of the author, as well as the university they are affiliated with aligned to the right.

4.2. Reviews must have between 4 and 7 pages, written in Garamond 12, justified, with a spacing of 1.5 and first line indentation on each paragraph, without spacing between paragraphs. Page margins must be 3 cm left and right and 2,5 cm top and bottom.

4.2.1. Sources in brackets must follow the same format as the ones for the articles: [LAST NAME, DATE: PAGE]. For example: [Woolf, 2004: 225].

4.3. Reviews must not include any footnotes and the bibliography must be provided at the end of the file (without indentation).