During the last few weeks we have been more active on LinkedIn
Click on this news and visit our website there!
Click on this news and visit our website there!
Event: “Predicting University Student Performance and Dropout Rates through Technological Tools: Final Results of the ABANREDES Project”
Now visit the one we have selected this week!
Final results of this project - Attend by filling out the registration form
Every week we publish an interesting video about our publications and conferences.
16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN24)
Including the one corresponding to the WEBINAR of April 24th
Predictors of dropout and academic performance through pattern recognition and automatic diagnosis
Raquel González and Marina Segura presented two papers
Predictors of droupout and academic performance through pattern recognition and automatic diagnosis
Paper: "Technology literate and digital empoerment in the academic activity of university students. Results from a pilot survey"
Paper: "The hierarchical nesting effect in the study and interpretation of academic performance in the social sciences: a 2-level multilevel application"
In collaboration with the PIMCD-373 of the Complutense University of Madrid
Report by María Fernández-Mellizo
Pilar Gago de Santos, Covadonga de la Iglesia-Villasol y Beatriz López-González
The meeting was held at the Faculty of Commerce and Tourism of the Complutense University of Madrid. Some members connected online.
Article published by José Luis Arroyo
Publication by José Luis Arroyo, Susana Carabias, Adolfo Hernández and Marina Segura
Article published by José Luis Arroyo
Article published by José Luis Arroyo and Susana Carabias
Publication by José Luis Arroyo
Article published by José Luis Arroyo
Publication by José Luis Arroyo
Marina Segura, Jorge Mello and Adolfo Hernández are presenting a publication at the IFORS 2023 congress.
Adolfo Hernández and José Luis Arroyo-Barrigüete present an early warning system for university academic performance at CIVINEDU (2023).
José Luis Arroyo-Barrigüete presents in XXXI ASEPUMA Conference (2023) a teaching innovation project to reduce