Institutos Universitarios

Raquel Hervás

Raquel Hervás

Raquel Hervás (PhD) works as a Assistant Professor at the Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Facultad de Informática, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is also a member of the Instituto de Tecnología del Conocimiento.

Her research is oriented towards Natural Language Generation and Processing. Raquel is interested in how people refer to things, exploring how intentions, situational contexts and personal styles can influence the way people talk about things. In order to study these aspects of language Raquel is exploring the creation and use of annotated corpora. She is also interesting in how these aspects of language can be practically used for the simplication of texts in order to improve their readability.

Raquel has also worked in the field of Figurative Language, exploring how figures of speech like analogies and comparisons can be used to implicitly convey information in automatically generated texts.

Phone: (+34) 91 394 7599
Address: Office 411
c\ Profesor José García Santesmases s/n
Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial
Facultad de Informática, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid (Spain)


Generating Language Output
Content Planning | Referring Expressions | Lexicalization

Modeling Aspects of Interaction
Virtual Environments | Intelligent Agents | Emotions


The Story Telling Laboratory
Story Generation

NLP for Accessibility



Current Projects
MILES: Models of Interaction centred on Language, spacE and computational Semantics
CENAR: Conservación de la Estructura Narrativa en la generación Automática de Resúmenes
IVERNAO: Instrucciones VERbales para la NAvegación basadas en Ontologías
INREDIS: INterfaces de RElación con el entorno para personas con DIScapacidad

Past Projects
GALANTE: GenerAción del LenguAje Natural para Textos con Emociones
MILU: Módulo de Interfaz Lingüístico Universal
Javy Forest: application of metaphor and blending in game environments


Raquel Hervás' publications

Raquel Hervás's Google Scholar Citations