Grupos de investigación

ALIMNOVA Research Group.

Novel Foods. Scientific, tecnological and social aspects.

Keywords: Food and health; Food analysis; Novel foods; Food quality; Functional foods; Biotechnology; Scientific culture. 

Research Lines:

  • Characterization of the nutritional, sensorial and technological quality of new foods and food ingredients.

  • Social aspects of new foods and food ingredients

 Constituted in 2008, consolidated and funded (UCM; National Plans I+D+I; FECYT; Private funds), has received several positive evaluations of its activities and nowadays it is composed by 14 permanent members (12 PhD, 2 predoctoral fellows), belonging to different institutions (UCM, Rovi); the group collaborates with a wide number of national and international research groups.

ALIMNOVA takes part of the Excelence Campus Moncloa, belonging to the Clusters: Agrofood and Health, and Innovative Medicine.

Our holistic sight of foods comprises the study of scientifical (analytical composition and health properties); technological (influence of obtention methods), and social (regulation, habits, social perception) aspects of foods. 

Besides, the group has an intense activity of scientific communication, through the assistance to symposiums and scientific events, as well as the organization of divulgative Worshops for general public.