Grupos de investigación

Rani Lill Anjum

  • Rani Lill Anjum (Dr. Art. Philosophy, Logic of Conditionals, Tromsø, Norway 2005) is Research Fellow at the Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) where she leads Causation in Science (CauSci), funded by the Research Council of Norway's FRIPRO funding scheme for independent research projects. CauSci is a global network for those interested in a scientifically informed philosophy of causation. She is co-author of Getting Causes from Powers (Oxford, 2011) during her postdoctoral project Causation, Dispositions and Laws at University of Nottingham. More recently she co-authored Causation: a Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2013). She runs the Philosophy of Science forum and NMBU, and also the Philosophy Café. On Twitter she manages the biggest list of academic philosophers, following over 1500 accounts. Her research interests include causation, probability, dispositions, conditionals, modality, free will, and philosophy of biology and medicine.