Institutos Universitarios

Raúl G. Sanchis


Ph. D. (Economics), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2013. 

M.Phil. (Environmental and Development Economics), Universitetet i Oslo, 2008. 

Web (personal):


El Dr. Sanchis es Investigador Asociado en el ICEI desde 2009. Además en este período ha sido completado una estancia de 2 años PostDoc como Profesor Visitante en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, fue Fellow en el RCC de la Universidad de Harvard (EE.UU.) donde el Dr. Sanchis pasó 4 meses en 2013 y ha sido Profesor Visitante en la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido) en 2011 en su etapa pre-doctoral.

Sus principales intereses de investigación giran principalmente en torno a la economía del comportamiento y el uso del tiempo -en particular en la distribución del tiempo y la sobrecarga en la elección-, la teoría económica (especialmente micro, pero también macro), y  en torno a la economía ambiental y del desarrollo.

El Dr. Sanchis ha contribuido al desarrollo de actividades de investigación y docencia en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2002, y desde 2009), la Universidad de Alicante (2003-2004), la Universitetet i Oslo (2007), el RCC en la Universidad de Harvard (2013-14) y en la Universidad de Cambridge (2011) o en ICADE-Comillas (desde 2015). También ha participado en varias conferencias internacionales con ponencias y presentaciones relacionadas con sus campos de investigación.

Dr. Sanchis is an Associate Researcher at ICEI since 2009. During this period he completed a 2 years PostDoc fellowship as Visiting Professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, he has also been a Fellow in the RCC at Harvard University (USA) where Dr. Sanchis spent 4 months in 2013 and he was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2011 during his pre-doctoral stage. 

His main research interests revolve mainly around behavioral economics and time use research -particularly on the allocation of time and choice overload phenomena-, economic theory (especially micro, but also macro), and environmental and development economics. 

Dr. Sanchis has collaborated in the development of research and/or teaching activities at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2002, and since 2009), the Universidad de Alicante (2003-2004), the Universitetet i Oslo (2007), the RCC at Harvard University (2013-14) and the University of Cambridge (2011) or in ICADE-Comillas (since 2015). He has also participated in several international conferences with papers and presentations related to his fields of research.


Áreas de Investigación / Research Areas

  • Behavioral Economics

  • Choice overload

  • Consumer behavior

  • Economic theory

  • Time allocation

  • Environmental and Development Economics

Algún resultado relevante / Some Relevant Publications

Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2016), “Pricing Strategy versus Heterogeneous Shopping Behavior under Market Price Dispersion,” Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2016, Article ID 3254240, 8 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/3254240 

Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2016), "Consumer's response to price distribution and sigma-overload under time allocation", Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.

Sanchis, R.G. 2016. Economic Theories about the Allocation of Time: Review and an Extension for Multitasking. In C.M. Kalenkoski and G. Foster (eds.), The Economics of Multitasking, Palgrave Macmillan US, chapter 2.

Álvarez, F., Rey, J-M and Sanchis, R. G. (2014), "Choice overload, satisficing behavior and price distribution in a time allocation model", Abstract and Applied Analysis.

Sanchis, R. G., Rey, J.-M., and Álvarez, F. (2014), ?Numerical analysis of a time allocation model accounting.

for choice overload?, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol 91, 2, 315-326.

Sanchis, R. G., Rey, J-M and Álvarez, F. (2014), "Maximizing and satisficing in a choice model based on time allocation", International Journal of Complex Systems in Science, vol. 4 (1), pp. 1-6.

Sanchis, R. G. (2013), "Time Microeconomics: on the allocation of time and choice overload", Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Doctoral dissertation.



Formación académica / Academic Background

- Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain. Ph. D. in Economics, 2013 ("Cum laude", "Doctor Europeus" mention of excellence, European Union, Ph. D. Extraordinary Prize 2013). Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis.

- Universitetet i Oslo. Oslo, Norway. M. Phil. in Environmental and Development Economics, 2008. Okonomisk Institutt.

- Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (UNED). Distance education, Spain. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Applied Quantitative Economics, 2008. Department of Applied Quantitative Economics I.

- Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain. M.A. in Pedagogy, 2005. Major in Mathematics.

- Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain. B.Sc. in Economics, 2003. Major in Economic Analysis and Quantitative Economics.