
A. Udías y  E. Buforn (2017). Principles of Seismology, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 544pp, ISBN 978-1-107-13869-8    

E. Buforn, C. Pro, C. Sanz de Galdeano, J.V. Cantavella, S. Cesca, B. Caldeira, A. Udías y M. Mattesini (2017). The 2016 south Alboran earthquake (Mw = 6.4): A reactivation of the Ibero-Maghrebian region?. Tectonophysics 712-713, 704-715, doi

M. Carranza, E. Buforn y A. Zollo (2017).  Performance of a Network-Based Earthquake Early Warning System in the Ibero-Maghrebian. Region. Seism. Res. Letters  doi: 10.1785/0220170081

M. Magnuson and M. Mattesini (2017). Chemical bonding and electronic-structure in MAX phases as viewed by X-ray spectroscopy and density functional theory, Thin Solid Films, 621, 108.

E. Buforn, A. Pazos, A. Roca, M. Carranza, J. M. Dávila, A. Udías, A. Zollo, M. López and the ALERTES team (2016).  ALERTES: An Earthquake Early Warning System for the Ibero-Maghrebian región. Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie 31, 31-40, 

E. Buforn, A. Udías y C. Pro. (2016). Source mechanism studies of earthquakes in the Ibero-Maghrebian region and their tectonic implications. J. of Seism.  20, 1075-1088, DOI 10.1007/s10950-015-9551-7

A. Udías (2015). Historical earthquakes (before 1755) of the Iberian Peninsula in Early catalogues. Seism. Res. Lett. 86, 999-1005, doi

C. del Fresno, I. Domínguez, S. Cesca, y E. Buforn (2015). The 8 October El Hierro at earthquake (Mw=4.0): Focal mechanism of the main shock and its Aftershocks Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 105, 330-340, doi. 10.1785/0120140151 

E. Buforn, A. Udías y C. Pro (2015). Large earthquakes at the Ibero-Maghrebian region: Basis for an EEWS. Pure Appl. Geophys 172, 2387-2396 DOI 10.1007/s00024-014-0954-0

M. Picozzi, S. Collombelli, A. Zollo, M. Carranza y E. Buforn (2015). A threshold-based Earthquake Early-Warning System for offshore events in southern Iberia. Pure Appl. Geophys 172, 2476-2468. DOI 10.1007/s00024-014-1009-2

E. Buforn y A. Udías (2015). Earthquakes Early Warning System: Application to the Ibero-Maghrebian región. Pure Appl. Geophys 172, 2333-2334, DOI 10.1007/s00024-015-1084-z

M. Carranza, E. Buforn y A. Zollo (2015). Testing the Earthquakes Early Warning parameter correlations in the southern Iberian Peninsula. Pure Appl. Geophys 172,2435-2448, DOI 10.1007/s00024-015-1061-6 

E. Buforn, A. Udías, C. Sanz de Galdeano and S. Cesca (2015). The 1748 Montesa (southeast Spain) earthquake. A singulat event. Tectonophysics doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2015.09.005

H. Tkalčić, M. Young, J. B. Muir, D. R. Davies and Maurizio Mattesini. Strong, Multi-Scale Heterogeneity in Earth’s Lowermost Mantle, Sci. Rep., 5, 18416 (2015).

M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, M. Bugnet and P. Eklund, The origin of anisotropy and high density of states in the electronic structure of Cr2GeC by means of polarized soft X-ray spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, J. Phys.:Condens. Matter, 27, 415501 (2015).

M. Bezzeghoud, C. Adams, E. Buforn, J. F. Borges y B. Caldeira (2014). Seismicity along Azores-Gibraltar region and global plate kinematics. J. Seismol. 18, 205-220, DOI 10.1007/s10950-013-9416-x

M. Carranza, E. Buforn, S. Colombelli y A. Zollo (2013). Earthquake early warning for southern Iberia: A P wave threshold-based approach. Geophys. Res. Lett. 40, 4588-4593, doi:10.1002/grl.50903  

S. Cesca, F. Grigoli, S. Heimann, A. Gonzalez, E. Buforn, S. Maghsoudi, E. Blanch y T. Dahm (2014). The 2013 September-October seismic sequence offshore Spain: a case of seismicity triggered by gas injection?. Geophys. J. Int. 198, 941-953,  DOI 10.1007/s10950-013-9416-x

C. Pro, E. Buforn, S. Cesca, C. Sanz de Galdeano y A. Udias (2014). Rupture process of the Lorca (southeast Spain) 11 May 2011 (Mw=5.1) earthquake. J. Seismol, 18, 481-495, DOI 10.1007/s10950-014-9421-8.

C. Pro, E. Buforn, M. Bezzeghoud y A. Udías (2014). Reply to comment on “The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007 and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vicent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake”. Tectonophysics 628, 246-247.

A. Udías, R. Madariaga y E. Buforn (2014).  Source mechanisms of earthquakes. Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press

P.-A. Glans, T. Learmonth, K. E. Smith, S. Ferro, A. De Benedetti, M. Mattesini R. Ahuja and J.-H. Guo (2013). Electronic structure of boron doped diamond: an x-ray spectroscopic study. Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 162103.

M. Mattesini (2013). , Book Review: "Earth as an Evolving Planetary System" by K. C. Condie, Elsevier, 2011. Pure Appl. Geophys., doi 10.1007/s00024-013-0702-x .

M. Mattesini, A. B. Belonoshko, H. Tkalcic, E. Buforn, A. Udías and R. Ahuja (2013). Candy Wrapper for the Earth"s Inner CoreSci. Rep., 3, 2096.

M. Mattesini (2013), Book Review: "Core Dynamics" by P.Olson, Elsevier, 2009. Pure Appl. Geophys., 170, 2003.

M. Mattesini, M. Magnuson (2013). Electronic correlation effects in Cr2GeC Mn+1AXx-phase. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 25, 035601.

C. Pro, E. Buforn, M. Bezzeghoud y A. Udias (2013).  The earthquakes of 29 July 2003, 12 February 2007, and 17 December 2009 in the region of Cape Saint Vincent (SW Iberia) and their relation with the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. Tectonophysics,  583, 16-27., 

C. Pro, E. Buforn, A. Udías  y M. Bezzeghoud (2013). Sismicidad y Sismotectónica del SW de Iberia. Mapping 22, 160, 38-46 

I. Bensaid,  T. Cherkaoui,  F.  Medina,  B. Caldeira,   E. Buforn,  A. Emran y Y.  Hahou (2012).  The 1992 Tafilalt seismic crisis (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). J. Seism. 16, 35-53, doi 10.1007/s10950-011-9248-5.

E. Buforn , C. Pro y  A. Udías (2012). Solved problems in Geophysics. Cambridge University Press

E. Buforn, C. Pro, S. Cesca, C. Sanz de Galdeano y A. Udías  (2012). Proceso de ruptura del sismo de Lorca de 11 mayo 2011. Física de la Tierra 24,   71-82,

T. Goded, E. Buforn y A. Macau (2012). Site effects evaluation in Málaga city’s historical centre (Southern Spain. Bull. Earthquake Eng. 10, 813-838. doi 10.1007/s10518-011-9337-4

M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, N. Van Nong, P. Eklund, and L. Hultman (2012). Electronic-structure origin of the anisotropic thermopower of nanolaminated Ti3 SiC2 determined by polarized x-ray spectroscopy and Seebeck measurements. Phys. Rev. B, 85, 195134.

M. Mattesini, A. Negredo, D. Córdoba (2012).  Física de la Tierra (vol. 23), "Estructura y Dinámica del Interior de la Tierra" (2012). 

A. Udías, R. Madariaga, E. Buforn, D. Muñoz y M. Ros (2012). The Large Chilean Historical Earthquakes of 1647, 1657, 1730, and 1751 from Contemporary Documents. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, 102,  1639-1653, doi 10.1785/0120110289

I. Bensaid, , E. Buforn, T. Cherkaoui, F. Medina and Y. Hahou (2011). New fault-plane solutions of Moroccan earthquakes for the 2005-2008 period. Bulletin de l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, section Sciences de la Terre, 33, 47-52

E. Buforn , C. Pro, S. Cesca, A. Udías y C. del Fresno (2011). The 2010 Granada, Spain, Deep Earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 101, 2418-2430.  doi: 10.1785/0120110022

S.Dündar, R. Kind, X. Yuan, F. Bulut, F. Sodoudi ,B. Heit, P. Kumar, X. Li, W. Hanka, R. Martin, M. Stiller, T. Eken, M. Bianchi, E. Buforn and J. Martin Davila (2011). Receiver Function Images of the Base of the Lithosphere in the Alboran Sea Region . Geophys. J. Int. 187, 1019-1026, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05216X

T. Goded, J. Irizarry y E. Buforn (2011). Vulnerability and risk analysis of monuments in Málaga city’s historical centre (Southern Spain. Bull. Earthquake Eng. 10,  839-861, doi 10.1007/s10518-011-9321-z 

E. Buforn y A. Udías (2010). Azores-Tunisia, a tectonically complex plate boundary. Advances in Geophysics 52, 3, DOI: 10.1016/S0065-2687(10)52003-X, 1139-1182

E. Buforn, C. Pro y A. Udías (2010). Problemas resueltos de Geofísica. Pearson Editorial, 357 pp

M. Mattesini, A. B. Belonoshko, E. Buforn, M. Ramirez, S. Simak, A. Udías, H. Mao y R. Ahuja (2010). Hemispherical anisotropic patterns of the Earth’s inner core. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 107, 9507- 9512.

M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, C. Hoglund, J. Birch, L. Hultman (2010).. Electronic structure of GaN and Ga investigated by soft x-ray spectroscopy and first-principles methods. Phys. Rev. B, 81, 085125 .

M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini (2010), C. Hoglund, J. Birch y L. Hultman. Electronic structure of GaN and Ga investigated by soft x-ray spectroscopy and first-principles methods. Phys. Rev. B, 81, Issue: 8.

S. Peyrat, R. Madariaga, E. Buforn, J. Campos, G. Asch and J. P. Vilotte (2010). Kinematic rupture process of the 2007 Tocopilla earthquake and its main aftershocks from teleseismic and strong-motion. Geophys. J. Int. 182, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04685.x, 1411-1430.

A. Vegas y M. Mattesini (2010). Towards a generalized vision of oxides: disclosing the role of cations and anions in determining unit-cell dimensions. Acta Crystallographica section B-Structural Science 66, 338-344.

M. Mattesini, A. B. Belonoshko, E. Buforn, M. Ramirez, S. Simak, A. Udías, H. Mao y R. Ahuja (2010). Hemispherical anisotropic patterns of the Earth’s inner core. PNAS ,, 1-6

A. Perez-Peña, J. Martín Dávila, J. Gárate, M. Berrocoso y E. Buforn (2010). Velocity field and tectonic strain in Southern Spain and surrounding areas derived from GPS episodic measurements. J. Geodynamics 49, 232-240

M. Mattesini, M. Magnuson, F. Tasnádi, C. Höglund, I. A. Abrikisov, and L. Hultman (2009). Electronic properties and electro-structural correlations in ternary scandium-based cubic inverse perovskites: A first-principles study (2009). Phys. Rev. B, 79, 125122

O. Narygina, M. Mattesini, I. Kantor, X. Wu, S. Pascarelli, G. Aquilanti, C. McCammon, and L. Dubrovinsky. (2009). High-pressure experimental and computational XANES studies of (Mg,Fe)(Si,Al)O3 perovskite and (Mg,Fe)O ferropericlase as in the Earth"s lower mantle. Phys. Rev. B, 79, 174115

M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, C. Höglund, J. Birch, and L. Hultman (2009). Electronic structure and chemical bonding anisotropy investigation of wurtzite AlN. Phys. Rev. B, 80, 155105 (2009).

I. Bensaid, F. Medina, T. Cherkaoui, E. Buforn y Y. Hahou (2009). New P-wave first motion solutions for the focal mechanisms of the Rissani (Morocco) earthquakes of October 23d and 30th, 19. Bulletin l’Institut Scientifique, Rabat, 57-61.

A. Udías (2009). Jesuits’ studies of earthquakes and seismological stations. Geological Society, London, Special Publ. 310, 135-143, doi: 10.1144/SP310.16

E. Buforn (2008). Seismotectonics of Azores-Tunissia. En: L. Mendes-Victor, C. Sousa Oliveira, J. Azevedo, A. Ribeiro (Eds). The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake Revisited. Springer, Berlin, 397-410

T. Goded, E. Buforn y D. Muñoz (2008). The 1494 and 1680 Málaga (South Spain) earthquakes. Seismological Research Letters 79, 709-715.

M. Mattesini, E. Buforn, A. Udias, L. Vitos, y R. Ahuja (2008). An ab initio study of S-substituted iron-nickel-silicon alloy at the Earth’s inner core pressure. High Pressure Research 28, 437-441.

J. Borges, M. Bezzeghoud, B. Caldeira y E. Buforn (2008). Recent seismic activity in the Azores region. En: C. Sousa Oliveira, A. Costa y J. Nunes (Eds) Porceedings International Seminar on Seismic risk and rehabilitation (Isbn. 978-989-1235-3) 33-37.

E. Buforn; Udías, A. and Martín Dávila, J. (2007). Source Mechanism of the February 12, 2007, San Vicente Cape Earthquake, Mw: 5.9". ORFEUS Newsletter 7, 2, 15-20.

E. Buforn y A. Udías (2007). Sismicidad y mecanismo focal de los terremotos de la región Cabo San Vicente- Argelia . Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 20 (3-4), 301-310

E. Buforn y C. Pro (2007). Mecanismo focal y sismotectónica: aportación de Agustín Udías. Fisica de la Tierra 18, 11-23

J. Borges, M. Bezzeghoud, E. Buforn, C. Pro y A. Fitas (2007). The 1980, 1997 and 1998 Azores earthquakes and some seismotectonic implications. Tectonophysics 435, 37-54

C. Pro, E. Buforn, y A. Udías (2007). Rupture length and velocity for earthquakes in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from directivity effect in body and surface waves. Tectonophysics 433, 65-79.

J. Martín Davila; Pazos, A.; Buforn, E.; Udías, A.; Bezzeghoud, M.; Caldeira, B.; Rimi, A.; Harnafi, M.; Hanka, W.; Nadji, A . (2007).The 12/02/2007 SW Cape San Vicente Earthquake: SFS (San Fernando SP) and WM (Western Mediterranean) Networks Preliminary Report”. ORFEUS Newsletters. 7, 2 ,1-5

M. Magnuson, M. Mattesini, S. Li, C. Höglund, M. Beckers, L. Hultman, and O. Eriksson (2007).Bonding mechanism in the nitrides Ti2AlN and TiN: And experimental and theoretical investigation. Phys. Rev. B, 76, 195127.

S. Cesca, E. Buforn, y T. Dahm (2006). Amplitude spectra moment tensor inversion of shallow earthquakes in Spain. Geophysical J. Int. 166, 839-854.

D. Muñoz y A. Udías (2006). The earthquake of San Salvador, Central America of 21 April 1594. The first questionnaires on the damage of an esrthquake in the western hemisphere. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 96, 1538-1544.

S. Alexandre, M. Mattesini, J. M. Soler, and F. Ynduráin (2006). Comment on "Magnetism in atomic-size palladium contacts and nanowires". Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 079701.

M. Agåker, T. Käämbre, C. Glover, T. Schmitt, M. Mattesini, R. Ahuja, J. Söderström, J-E. Rubensson (2006). Resonant inelastic soft x-ray scattering at double core excitations in solid LiCl, , Phys. Rev. B, 73, 245111

C. L. Dong, M. Mattesini, A. Augustsson, X. G. Wen, W. X. Zhang, S. H. Yang, C. Persson, R. Ahuja, J. Lüning, C. L. Chang, and J.-H. Guo (2006). Electronic structure and surface structure of Cu2S nanorods from polarization dependent X-ray absorption spectroscopy, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom, 151, 64.

I. Kantor, L. Dubrovinsky, C. McCammon, A. Kantor, S. Pascarelli, G. Aquilanti, W. Crichton, M. Mattesini, R. Ahuja, J. Almeida, and V. Urusov (2006). Pressure-induced phase transition in Mg0.8Fe0.2O ferropericlase, , Phys. Chem. Minerals, 33, 35.

M.Magnuson, M. Mattesini, O. Wilhelmsson, J. Emmerlich, J.-P. Palmquist, S. Li, R. Ahuja, O. Eriksson, and U. Jansson. (2006).Electronic structure investigation and chemical bonding in Ti4SiC3 investigated by soft x-ray emisión spectroscopy and first-principles theory. Phys. Rev. B, 74, 205102.

M.Magnuson, O. Wilhelmsson, , J.-P. Palmquist, U. Jansson, M. Mattesini, S. Li, R. Ahuja, and O. Eriksson. (2006). Electronic structure and chemical bonding in Ti2AlC investigated by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B, 74, 195108.

M. Mattesini, J. M. Soler, and F. Ynduráin (2006). Ab initio study of metal-organic framework-5Zn4O (1,4-benzenedicarboxylate)3: An assessment of mechanical and spectroscopic properties, , Phys. Rev. B, 73, 094111.

C. Persson, C. L. Dong, L. Vayssieres, A. Augustsson, T. Schmitt, M. Mattesini, R. Ahuja, J. Nordgren, C. L. Chang, A. Ferreira da Silva, and J.-H. Guo (2006). X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy of ZnO nanoparticle and highly oriented ZnO microrod arrays, Microelectronic Journal, 37, 686.

D. W. Shin, C. Dong, M. Mattesini, A. Augustsson, S. Mao, C. L. Chang, C. Persson, R. Ahuja, J. Nordgren, S. X. Wang and J.-H. Guo, Chem (2006). Size dependence of the electronic structure of copper nanoclusters in SiC matrix, Phys. Lett., 422, 543.

E. Buforn, B. Benito, C. Sanz de Galdeano, C. del Fresno, D. Muñoz e I. Rodríguez, 2005. Study of the damaging earthquakes of 1911, 1999 and 2002 in the Murcia (Spain) region: Seismotectonic and seismic risk implications. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., 95, 549-567.

E. Buforn, S. Cesca, T. Goded, C. del Fresno y D. Muñoz. (2005). The Bullas (Murcia, SE Spain) earthquake 29 January 2005. J. Seismology 10, 65-72.

C. Sanz de Galdeano y E. Buforn (2005). From strike-slip to reverse reactivation: The Crevikllente Fault System and seismicity in the Bullas-Mula area (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). Geologica Acta 3, 241-250.

Udías, A., Muñoz, D., Buforn, E., Sanz de Galdeano, C., del Fresno, C. y Rodríguez, I. (2005). Reevaluation of the earthquakes of 10 March and 19 May 1951 in southern Spain. J. Seismology 9, 99-110.

M. Magnuson, J.-P. Palmquist, M. Mattesini, S. Li, R. Ahuja, O. Eriksson, J. Emmerlich, O. Wilhelmsson, P. Eklund, H. Högberg, L. Hultman, and U. Jansson (2005). Electronic structure investigation of Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiC2, and Ti3GeC2 by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 212101.

M. Colarieti-Tosti, M. I. Katsnelson, M. Mattesini, S. I. Simak, R. Ahuja, B. Johansson, O. Eriksson, C. Dallera. (2004). First-principles theory of intermediate-valence f-electron systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 096403

E. Buforn, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Udías y C. Pro (2004). Seismic sources in the Iberia-African plate boundary and their tectonic implications. Pure and Appl. Geophys. 161-623-646.

E. Buforn, J. Martín Dávila y A. Udías (2004). Geodynamics of Azores Tunissia. Birkhausser 473-722

A. Udías, 2004. Historia de la Física. De Arquímedes a Einstein. Síntesis, Madrid, 302 pp.

E. Buforn, M. Bezzeghoud, A. Udías y C. Pro, 2004. Seismic sources on the Iberia-African plate boundary and their tectonic implications. Pure and Applied Geophys., 161, 623-646.

A.K. Yelles-Chaouche, H. Djellit, H. Beldjoudi, M. Bezzeghoud y E. Buforn , 2004. The Ain Temouchent earthquake of December 22th, 1999. Pure and Applied Geophys 161, 607-622.

A.K. Yelles-Chaouche, H. Djellit, H. Beldjoudi, M. Bezzeghoud y E. Buforn (2004). The Ain Temouchent earthquake of December 22th, 1999. Pure and Applied Geophys 161, 607-622

M. Mattesini, J. S. de Almeida, L. Dubrovinsky, N. Dubrovinskaia, B. Johansson, R. Ahuja. (2004).Cubic TiO2 as a potential light absorber in solar-energy conversion. Phys. Rev. B, 70, 115101.

E. Buforn y A. Udías (2003). Sismicidad y Sismotectonica de la Peninsula Ibérica. Física de la Tierra 15, 1-245

E. Buforn y A. Udías (2003). Mecanismos focales de terremotos en España. Física de la Tierra 15, 211-227.

A. Udías y E. Buforn (2003). Terremotos y fallas. Dinámica de la Tierra. Rev. Española de Física 17, 27-32

C. López y D. Muñoz (2003). Formulas de magnitud en los boletines y catálogos españoles. Física de la Tierra 15, 49-71.

M. Mattesini, , Ahuja, R., y Johansson, B. (2003). Cibic Hf3N4 and Zr3N4: A class of hard materals. Phys. Rev. B 68, 184108