Research Projects


Emma Ingala Gómez:

- Invited presentation: "Sobre la pulsión de muerte en Freud", 12/12/2022, “Seminario de Estudios Filosóficos y Psicoanalíticos Críticos sobre lo Político”, Facultad de Filosofía, UNAM, México.

- “Crítica y cuidados del cuerpo: instrucciones de uso para un mundo por venir”. Invited presentation at “Mundos por venir”, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 16/09/2023.

-"El loco". Invited presentation at the "Bestiario de Foucault" Seminar. Instituto Francés de Madrid/Seminario Foucault Complutense, 29/11/2023. 

-"El tacto perdido". Invited presentation at "Mundos por venir", Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 23/01/2024. 

Isabel G. Gamero Cabrera:

- “Aportaciones wittgenstenianas para pensar los usos del término “mujer” y sus fricciones”. VII Congreso Sobre Pensamiento Filosófico Contemporáneo: ¿Cuestión de género? Filosofía, Mujeres, Feminismos. Oviedo, 30 de septiembre de 2022.

-“Toothless toothaches and other riddles. Some reflections on paradoxes, philosophy and human beings”. Wartime Quartet Conference (Durham University, Inglaterra). 09/06/2023.

Laura Nuño de la Rosa:

- “Metafísica feminista”; “¿Es el sexo un carácter?”. Cuerpos olvidados: Trabajos filosóficos del grupo Forgotten Female Bodies (17-20/05/2023, Arantzazu, Oñati, Gipuzkoa).

- Organisation of the meeting “Cuerpos olvidados: Trabajos filosóficos del grupo Forgotten Female Bodies” (17-20/05/2023, Arantzazu, Oñati, Gipuzkoa) to prepare the publication of a book, edited by A. Etxebarría and L.Nuño de la Rosa, on forgotten female bodies.

- “The reproduction of identity”. Labex Who Am I? Exploring identity: from molecules to individuals. 13-14/12/2023. 

- “Agency in reproduction: the case of Eutherian pregnancy”. IHPST Seminars, Paris. 16/12/2023.

- “Inherited dispositions: an Aristotelian framework for relinking development and reproduction in evolution”. Session “New Perspectives on Biological Teleology: Conceptual Distinctions, Scientific Implications”. PSA Conference. Pittsburgh, USA. 13/11/2022.

- “Is Sex a Character?”. Traits of Contention: Character Identification and Comparative Thinking in Evolutionary, Developmental, and Behavioural Biology. Leuven, Belgium, 26-27/05/2023.

- “La construcción social del cuerpo”. Invited presentation at “Mundos por venir”, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 16/09/2023.

Gavin Rae:

- ‘Disruptive Genealogies: Evil, History, and the Problem of Secularization.’ Keynote presentation to ‘The Language of Evil and its Uses and Abuses Today,’ Sussex University, England, 24 March 2023. 

Stella Villarmea:

- Creation of “The Philosophy of Birth Network” and presentation of the network. Launch Day, Research Seminar in Values-based Practice, The Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice, St Catherine’s College, University of Oxford, 5 julio 2023.

- “Filosofía del Nacimiento: repensar el origen desde la violencia obstétrica”. I Encuentro Rural de Filosofía: “Proyecciones de la Filosofía Crítica”, Cuevas del Valle, Ávila, 30/06 – 02/07/2023.

- “Philosophy of Birth: Rethinking Origin and Reproductive Justice”. World Philosophy and World Crises, Japanese Philosophical Association, Tokyo University, Hongo Campus, Tokio, 28/05/2023.

- “Birth: Perspectives in Feminist Philosophy”, Intersectional Humanities Programme TORCH, University of Oxford, 02/05/2023.

- “Nacimiento: Repensar el origen desde la filosofía”, Seminario BioKoinos (Proyecto de Investigación “Metafísica de Biología”), UCM, 20/02/2023.

- “Birthing: Vindicating a Visceral Body Philosophically”. Transdisciplinary symposium on Sexuality, Motherhood and Social Reproduction, Kingston University, 27-28/04/2023.

- “A New Logos for Genos: Approaching a Philosophy of Birth”. New Voices Conference, Women and their Body, University of Paderborn, 15-17/03/2023.

- “Philosophy of birth: An exploration of our tales of origin and their impact on obstetric violence”. Philosophy of Birth workshop, University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, 24/02/2023.

- “Obstetric Violence: A View from the Philosophy of Birth”. Feminism and Philosophy: New and Old Questions, IAPH International Workshop, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1-2/12/2022.

- “A New Logos for Genos: Approaching a Philosophy of Birth”. Birth: A View from the Humanities, University of Haifa, 13-15/09/2022.