Proyectos de Investigación




Carmen Otero García Castrillón

The research carried out by Professor Otero García-Castrillón is based on a study of foreign trade from the perspective of Private International Law, encompassing trade and international business law. In this respect, she has addressed both the WTO’s regulation of international trade and regional integration processes, in particular the trade policies of the EU. She has also tackled aspects relating to investment arbitration, focusing especially on litigation cases brought against Spain within the realm of renewable energies and the controversial survival of investment protection agreements amongst the Union’s Member States. In particular, we might highlight the following pieces of research: “La Unión Europea y el arbitraje de inversiones: alcance de la STJUE de 6 de marzo de 2018, Achmea, con especial referencia a la situación de España”, Estudios sobre Jurisprudencia Europea, III Encuentro anual del Centro Español del European Law Institute, vol II, A. Ruda y C. Jerez, Dirs. Ed. Sepin, Madrid, 2020, pp. 677-691; “Los laudos sobre inversiones en energías renovables en España; algunas cuestiones destacadas”, in Spain Arbitration Review, Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje (2017); “Retos para la protección transfronteriza de los derechos de propiedad intelectual”, in Cuestiones de Derechos de Autor en la Unión Europea., Reus (2017); and “Spain and Investment Arbitration: The Renewable Energy Explosion”, in Second Thoughts: Investor-State Arbitration between Developed Democracies, Centre for International Governance Innovation (Canada, 2017).


Julio García López

The research carried out by Julio García López has focused in particular on highly topical issues of considerable legal complexity, such as the revival of protectionism, regional economic integration and anti-dumping law, based on a painstaking analysis of WTO law and its interpretation within its dispute settlement system. An integral analysis of European and multilateral regulations reveals the true extent and complexity of the legal problems that have emerged today in what is known as “trade war”. Amongst his pieces of research, we might highlight the following: “Protocolos de Adhesión y Solución de Diferencias en la OMC: Los años del dragón (2008-20012)”, Anuario Español de Derecho internacional privado (2012); “El Acuerdo de Asociación Transatlántico sobre Comercio e Inversiones: Aproximación desde el Derecho del Comercio Internacional”, La Ley Unión Europea (2014); “La imposición ilegal de medidas antidumping en la Unión Europea”, La Ley Unión Europea (2015); and “El Acuerdo Económico y de Comercio Global Unión Europea-Canadá (CETA). El impacto de las reglas de origen”, La Ley Unión Europea (2016).


Jan Klabbers

Professor Jan Klabbers carries out his work at the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki, where he is professor of International Law. He previously directed the Centre of Excellence on Global Governance Research (2006-11) and held the first Martti Ahtisaari Chair in International Peace Research and Conflict Management (2013-18), both funded by the Academy of Finland, and was recently awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council (2021-25) for a project on international organizations and the private sector. He has also taught at different universities, such those of Amsterdam, New York and Paris I and II, not to mention the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva. Amongst other positions, he is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of International Law. In addition to a large number of academic articles, he has published various books, tackling issues relating to the workings of international organisations, normative pluralism in international law and the problems of global governance, whilst also carrying out research in order to establish a credible ethical approach within the field. His books include the following: Treaty Conflict and the European Union (2009); The Constitutionalization of International Law (2009, co-author); The European Union in International Law (2012); International Law (2013, 3rd ed. 2020); Normative Pluralism and International Law: Exploring Global Governance (2013, co-editor); An Introduction to International Organizations Law (3rd edn. 2015), and The Challenge of Inter-legality (2019, co-editor). In view of these achievements, he is the ideal researcher when it comes to tackling the complex institutional issues posed by the proposed reform of the WTO’s dispute settlement system, as well as undertaking an analysis of the EU’s relations with this organisation and with third countries through trade agreements.


Geert Van Calster

Professor Geert Van Calster is the Head of the Department of International and European Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Leuven (Belgium), and Senior Fellow at the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies. He is also a Visiting Professor and Senior Fellow at the Law Faculty of Monash University in Melbourne (Australia), at the China-EU School of Law in Beijing and at King's College, London, as well as an Adjunct Professor at the Brussels Campus of American University. We might also mention the fact that his name appears on the WTO’s list of experts who are authorised to form part of the Special Working Groups for the dispute settlement system. His publications and contributions at congresses are numerous, focusing on issues of patrimonial law from the perspective of Private International Law, as well as on WTO and EU Law. Among the most recent ones, we can point to “The laws of sustainable development” in Sustainability and Law, Springer, 2020; pp.49-64, and “Environment and trade law in the EU: Seeing the Bees for the Balance Sheet”, Research Handbook on EU Environmental Law; Edward Elgar, 2020; pp.86-100. In these fields he has shown a special interest in aspects relating to the environmental sphere, as well as the new technologies, in which respect he can focus his contribution to the project on these dimensions, without losing sight of what is known as “collective unilateralism”.


Jaime Gallegos Zúñiga

He develops his teaching and research activity in the Department of Economic Law at the Universidad de Chile, focusing on the multilateral trade and investment system, regionalism and economic integration, as well as interregional relations, particularly relations between Latin America and the EU. In addition to his doctoral thesis, which included a comparative analysis of the Pacific Alliance, the EU and other regional projects, it is worth mentioning the following publications "La Alianza del Pacífico, aspectos jurídicos organizacionales y de su sistema de solución de controversias", Estudios Internacionales, vol. 51, no. 194, 2019, pp. 75-94; "Actores que participan en el proceso decisorio en la Alianza del Pacífico, un listado no inclusivo", Direito e Justiça (Portugal/Brazil), vol. 9, no. 2, 2019, pp. 139-156; "Algunos cambios que incorpora el T-MEC, en materia de inversiones extranjeras, en relación con lo previsto en el capítulo XI del TLCAN", Revista de Arbitraje comercial y de inversiones, vol. 12, no. 1, 2019, pp. 167-179; "Deficiencias en las normas internas de Derecho aplicable a los contratos internacionales, en los países miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico", Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional Privado, 2018, pp. 587-616; and "Régimen de inversiones (intra) regionales en la Alianza del Pacífico y en el Mercosur, una aproximación comparativa", Revista Internacional Consinter de Direito, vol. 4, nº 7, 2018, pp. 415-438.


Patricia Orejudo Prieto de los Mozos

Professor of Private International Law. Practicing lawyer. Partenr of Red Jurídica S. Coop. M. Author of numerous publications, both in the field of Perdsonal and Family Law as well as in Patrimonial Law.




Clara I. Cordero Álvarez

Awarded with the first Extraordinary Doctorate Prize in 2013, she develops her teaching and research activity at UCM in Private International Law within the Department of International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy. She currently holds the position of Vice-Dean of Innovation and Quality of the Faculty of Law, in addition to performing other management tasks at the university. In addition to her work on aspects related to international family law, her research has focused mainly on the field of contracts and tort liability in cross-border relationships, considering the interaction between public and private regulation when supervising these situations. In this regard, his interest has focused on the specific problems posed by the need to protect fundamental rights linked to personality in the context of an interconnected world. In addition to his monograph entitled International Litigation on Defamation and Personality Rights (Dykinson, 2015), his most recent publications (articles and contributions to collective works/book chapters) are as follows: CHAPTER 2: “Transferencia de datos personales fuera del EEE en el nuevo marco del Reglamento general: Especial referencia al caso estadounidense y el Reino Unido tras el Brexit”, in E. Rodríguez Pineau y E. Torralba Mendiola (eds.), La protección de las transmisiones de datos transfronterizas, Ed. Aranzadi, 2022 (in press), pp. 49- 92; “Lugar de cumplimiento de la prestación que sirve de base a la demanda en los contratos de compraventa internacional de mercaderías como criterio atributivo de competencia en el sistema Bruselas”, CDT, Vol. 13, n. 2 (octubre 2021), pp. 714-723;  “Sustracción internacional de menores extracomunitaria: a vueltas con la obligación de restitución automática del Convenio de la Haya de 1980 en la práctica española”, CDT, Vol. 13, nº 1 (marzo 2021), pp. 134-152; Chapter 2: “Plataformas digitales: nuevos retos para el Derecho internacional privado europeo de consumo”, en Desafíos jurídicos ante la integración digital: aspectos europeos e internacionales, Ed. Navarra, Thomson-Civitas, 2021, pp. 77-108; Chapter 13: “La determinación de la ley aplicable a los contratos electrónicos o a distancia”, en M. Martínez Pérez; A. Guerrero y J.J. Castelló Pastor (Coords.), Derecho de la contratación electrónica y comercio electrónico en la Unión Europea y en España, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2021, pp. 549-640;"La transferencia internacional de datos con terceros Estados en el nuevo Reglamento Europeo: Especial referencia al caso estadounidense y la Cloud Act", REDE, nº 70, 2019, pp. 49-107; "Incidencia de las normas imperativas en los contratos internacionales: Especial referencia a las normas de terceros Estados desde una aproximación europea", CDT, 2017, pp.174-193; y Chapter: "Plataformas digitales, economía colaborativa y cuestiones de Derecho internacional privado de los contratos", in Plataformas digitales: problemas jurídicos derivados de su actuación, Centro de Estudios Financieros, 2020, pp. 101-142. More complete information on CV available at


Moreno Blesa

Lidia Moreno has an extensive research work in the field of international trade, as evidenced by her doctoral thesis on energy policy in the European and Spanish context, focusing in particular on the liberalization of the electricity market. She is also a member of the UCM's International Trade Law and Economics Research Group and has supervised three doctoral theses, one of them with the title "Arbitration and trade relations between Europe and Latin America in times of crisis". Lidia Moreno Blesa also has extensive experience in the field of gender studies, having supervised a research group on equality and gender, while she has been awarded a grant by the Women's Institute for seminars on this subject. She has also participated in the elaboration of a Municipal Plan for Equality between Men and Women in the municipality of Villaviciosa de Odón, which included an awareness campaign to promote equal opportunities between men and women. 




Esther López Barrero

Esther López Barrero is Professor of Public International Law at the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid (UDIMA). She holds a Law Degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), and a PhD in Law from the same University, specialising in WTO law (Thesis: The institutional system and the decision-making process in the WTO). She has also completed two Master's Degrees: in Cooperation for Sustainable Development at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, and in Children's Needs and Rights at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. As a lecturer, she has collaborated with several Spanish and foreign universities, giving classes on public international law, EU law, international economic law and human rights, in different undergraduate, Master's and PhD degrees. As a researcher, she has taken part in different European, national and regional projects, collaborating with European and national research contracts, and participating in international consultancies. The main lines of her research are: international economic law, especially international trade law and international investment law, environmental law, human rights, and currently also international outer space law.


Pablo González Saquero

He specialises in EU Law and, accordingly, will focus on studying the vertical distribution of jurisdictions between the Union and the Member States (for example, the practice of resorting to “mixed” international agreements) within the realm of Common Trade Policy, as well as on problems associated with decision-making processes and institutional balance. Both issues have come to the attention of the Court of Justice in recent years within the context of free trade treaties. In short, he shall analyse the manner in which the EU articulates its involvement in international trade, either through the signing of international treaties or through the adoption of unilateral measures.

Ana María González Marín

as an Associate Lecturer, after completing her Master’s Degree in EU Law at Universidad Carlos III in Madrid and Master’s Degree in Law (Grundkenntnisse im Deutschen Recht) at Humboldt University in Berlin, obtained her doctorate with a thesis on the foreign policies of the EU. She has worked at different think-tanks in Madrid and in Brussels. Her most recent research has focused on the foreign policy of the EU and her latest academic publications include the monograph entitled 75 años de política exterior y de seguridad de la Unión Europea, which is due to be published in January 2021 by Tirant lo Blanch.


Miguel Ortego Ruiz

As an Associate Lecturer he has a Master’s in International Law and Degree in Law and Business Administration & Management. He is also an Internal Auditor, Expert in Compliance and a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E), as recognised by IAPP, having specialised professionally in intellectual and industrial property, data protection and law relating to new technologies. He is the author of a number of publications, amongst which we might highlight the monograph Prestadores de servicios de Internet y alojamiento de contenidos ilícitos (Reus, 2015), which received an award for Best Monograph on Intellectual Property in 2015 from REUS, AISGE and ASEDA. He is currently completing his doctoral thesis on intellectual property and artificial intelligence, aspects that shall make up his contribution to the Project in the international trade sphere.


Pilar Vargas

PhD student at UCM, with a Master's Degree in International Business Law from ESADE Law School and in International Relations and Diplomacy from the Diplomatic School of Spain. Graduate in Law and Political Science.

She is an expert in privacy, data protection and e-commerce, having provided services in these areas in several leading national and international law firms. She is currently working on her doctoral thesis on personal data protection regulations and their impact on international trade, a subject that will be her contribution to this Project. He is also a member of the research project "Law and Economics of International Trade.


Juan Camilo Uribe

Received his Degree in Law and Social Sciences at the University of Chile and his Master’s in Law and International Law at the same university, as well as a Master’s in International Policy and an MBA from UCM. He is currently completing his doctoral thesis on economic coercion measures and their effects on international contracting, in which respect his contribution to the Project will focus mainly on the dimension of unilateralism.