Sinergies with other Universities

Sinergies with other universities

  • School of Labour Relations (Escuela de Relaciones Laborales):

The School of Labour Relations (situated on Calle San Bernardo in central Madrid) was the main location for teaching activities on the IP.

  • Faculty of Information Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias de la Información):

Coordinated and supported at all times by a professor of the Department of Journalism I, 17 students from the Faculty of Information Sciences (essentially from the Journalism and Audiovisual Communication Departments) organized and managed the Press and Communication Group.

During the two weeks of the IP itself, the Press and Communication Committee (Gabinete de Prensa y Comunicación)was responsible for coverage – written and graphic (photo/video) – of all programme activities, drafting and issuing press releases, and publishing immediately and constantly updated information at Infoactualidad (

  • CES Felipe II (Translation and Interpreting)

Undergraduate students in Translation and Interpreting at CES Felipe II made a vital contribution. Tutors offered determined and enthusiastic support for the project from the outset, and actively collaborated in terms of both coordination of the Translation and Interpreting Committee and personal and consistent attendance at all activities in which the students took part.

The Translation and Interpreting group performed the following tasks:

  1. Translation into English of all documents (guides, dossiers, etc.) necessary for the IP and originally written in Spanish.

  2. Review of documents drafted in English by non-native speakers of English, prior to the dissemination of such documents.

  3. Simultaneous translation from Spanish into English for all visits and activities imparted by or involving non-English-speaking persons.

  4. Simultaneous translation from English into Spanish for activities undertaken directly in English.


  • Geography and History:

Some undergraduate students of History of Art collaborated with the IP, participating purely out of personal motivation and interest in the project. The History and Art group contributed in the following manner:

  • Development and drafting of practical guides to Madrid (key information)

  • Development and drafting of “essential Prado” guide

  • Coordination of cultural activities: guided visits to Madrid de las Austrias, Madrid de los Borbones, the Museo del Prado, and the Museo Reina Sofía (the latter two including organization of advance group bookings).