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Jean Monnet Actions

Jean Monnet Actions

Jean Monnet Activities
(Information taken from the European Commission website)


The Jean Monnet activities comprise six actions aimed at promoting teaching and research excellence in the field of EU studies  worldwide.

They also seek to foster dialogue between academia and policy makers on EU policies.

Particular emphasis is placed on European integration, the EU"s role in the globalised world, the promotion of active citizenship and dialogue between people and cultures.




Short teaching programmes of at least 40 hours per academic year on general, specific or multiple subjects in the field of EU studies.

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Specialised teaching positions in EU studies of at least 90 hours per academic year for university teachers.

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Centres of Excellence

Focal points of competence and knowledge on European Union issues.

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Support to  Associations

The aim is to contribute to the study of the European integration process by bringing together academics and researchers specialising in EU studies.

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They promote the creation and development of consortia in the field of EU studies. Activities may include gathering information, exchanging practices, building knowledge and promoting European integration.

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Support for innovation, knowledge sharing and communication on European issues.

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