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The University Ombudsperson

Contact us


The Ombudsperson´ Office at the Complutense University of Madrid can not provide you with general information, for this reason if you are lookingo for solving your doubts properly, you should send an email to the following email address informacion@ucm.es or call to the telephone number +34 914 52 04 00.

In other case, if you consider that your rights could had been infringed at this University don´t hesitate to contact us.



Rafael Valeriano Orden Jiménez 

Welcome to the page of the Ombudsperson at the Complutense University of Madrid. Here you can find out about the position introduced by the Organic Law of Universities and stated in our Statutes, whose mission is to protect the rights and liberties of Professors, Students and Administration and Services Staff.

The University Ombudswoman is appointed by the Academic Senate as the Complutense University’s designated neutral. Her primary function is to provide independent, impartial, confidential and informal assistance to the University's lecturers and professors, students and staff with the aim of improving quality and promoting good practice in the University.

The University Ombudswoman is concerned with fairness and equality and does not take sides on behalf of any individual or cause. While maintaining impartiality, the University Ombudswoman's Office regularly makes recommendations to University officials on policies, practices and procedures. Collaborative dispute resolution is encouraged whenever possible and mediation services are available on request.

Every member of the University community shall help with the Ombudswoman's investigation process.