Lines of research and funded projects
Current research lines
Biochemistry, Molecular and Systems Biology
- Pharmacological and toxicological biochemistry
- Membrane biochemistry and biophysics
- Enzyme biochemistry and biotechnology
- Spectroscopy and molecular structure
- Protein structure and function and proteomics
- Lipid-protein interactions
- Mechanisms of gene regulation
Advances in Cellular Systems Research
- Proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis
- Cell signaling mechanisms
- Molecular microbiology
Biomedical Research
- Molecular basis of inflammatory diseases
- Molecular basis of metabolic diseases
- Molecular basis of respiratory diseases
- Molecular basis of allergic processes
- Molecular basis of cancer
- Molecular basis of diseases of the nervous system
- Biomaterials and tissue engineering
Proposed new research lines
(pending verification of the 2020-2021 programme)
Biochemistry, Molecular and Systems Biology
- Pharmacological and toxicological biochemistry
- Membrane biochemistry and biophysics
- Enzyme biochemistry and biotechnology
- Protein structure and function, proteomics and protein engineering
- Genetic engineering and gene regulation mechanisms
- Biophusics and biological systems modeling
Advances in Cellular and Tisular Systems Research
- Proliferation, differentiation and cell death mechanisms
- Cell signaling mechanisms
- Applied molecular microbiology
- Biomaterials and tissue engineering
Biomedical Research
Molecular and cellular basis of:
- Diseases with immunological origin: inflammation and allergy
- Metabolic diseases
- Respiratory diseases
- Cancer
- Diseases of the nervous (and sensorial) system