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ABATI, J., DUNNING, G.R., ARENAS, R., DÍAZ GARCÍA, F., GONZÁLEZ CUADRA, P., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R. & ANDONAEGUI, P. (1999): Early Ordovician orogenic event in Galicia (NW Spain): evidence from U-Pb ages in the uppermost unit of the Órdenes Complex. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 165, p. 213-228.

ARENAS, R., DÍAZ GARCÍA, F., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R., ABATI, J., GONZÁLEZ CUADRA, P., ANDONAEGUI, P., GONZÁLEZ DEL TÁNAGO, J., RUBIO PASCUAL, F.J., CASTIÑEIRAS, P. & GÓMEZ BARREIRO, J. (2000): Structure and evolution of the Órdenes Complex. Excursion guidebook. Galicia 2000: 15th International Conference on Basement Tectonics. Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: The building of the Upper Paleozoic Basement. A Coruña, Spain, 160 p.

ANDONAEGUI, P., GONZÁLEZ DEL TÁNAGO, J., ARENAS, R., ABATI, J., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R., PEINADO, M. & DÍAZ GARCÍA, F. (2002): Tectonic setting of the Monte Castelo gabbro (Órdenes Complex, north-western Iberian Massif): Evidence for an arc-related terrane in the hanging wall to the Variscan suture. In: J.R. Martínez Catalán, R.D. Jr. Hatcher, R. Arenas and F. Díaz García (Eds). Variscan-Appalachian dynamics: The building of the late Paleozoic basement. Geological Society of America Special Paper, v. 364, p. 37-56. Boulder Colorado.

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ARENAS, R., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R., SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S., FERNÁNDEZ SUÁREZ, J., ANDONAEGUI, P., PEARCE, J.A. & CORFU, F. (2007): The Vila de Cruces Ophiolite: A remnant of the early Rheic Ocean in the Variscan suture of Galicia (NW Iberian Massif). Journal of Geology, v. 115, p. 129-148.

ARENAS, R., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R., SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S., DÍAZ GARCÍA, F., ABATI, J., FERNÁNDEZ-SUÁREZ, J., ANDONAEGUI, P. & GÓMEZ-BARREIRO, J. (2007): Paleozoic ophiolites in the Variscan suture of Galicia (northwest Spain): distribution, characteristics and meaning. In: R.D. Jr. Hatcher, M.P. Carlson, J.H. McBride and J.R. Martínez Catalán (Eds.). 4-D Framework of Continental Crust. Geological Society of America Memoir, v. 200, p. 425-444. Boulder, Colorado.

MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R., ARENAS, R., ABATI, J., SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S., DÍAZ GARCÍA, F., FERNÁNDEZ-SUÁREZ, J., GONZÁLEZ CUADRA, P., CASTIÑEIRAS, P., GÓMEZ BARREIRO, J., DÍEZ MONTES, A., GONZÁLEZ CLAVIJO, E., RUBIO PASCUAL, F.J., ANDONAEGUI, P., JEFFRIES, T.E., ALCOCK, J.E., DÍEZ FERNÁNDEZ, R. & LÓPEZ CARMONA, A. (2007): The rootless Variscan suture of NW Iberia (Galicia, Spain). Excursion guidebook. Galicia Meeting 2007. The International Geoscience Programme IGCP 497: “The Rheic Ocean: Its Origin, Evolution and Correlatives”. Field trip guide & Conference abstracts Volume, p. 3-117. Publicaciones del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España.

MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, JR; ARENAS, R; DÍAZ GARCÍA, F; GONZÁLEZ CUADRA, P; GÓMEZ BARREIRO, J; ABATI, J; CASTIÑEIRAS, P; FERNÁNDEZ-SUÁREZ, J; SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S; ANDONAEGUI, P; GONZÁLEZ CLAVIJO, E; DÍEZ MONTES, A; RUBIO PASCUAL, FJ; VALLE AGUADO, B (2007): Space and time in the tectonic evolution of the northwestern Iberian Massif: Implications for the Variscan belt. Geological Society of America, Memoir 200, 403-423.

SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S., ARENAS, R., ANDONAEGUI, P., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R. & PEARCE, J.A. (2007): Geochemistry of two associated ophiolites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex (Variscan Belt of NW Spain). In: R.D. Jr. Hatcher, M.P. Carlson, J.H. McBride and J.R. Martínez Catalán (Eds.). 4-D Framework of Continental Crust.Geological Society of America Memoir, v. 200, 445-467. Boulder, Colorado.

SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S., ARENAS, R., ANDONAEGUI, P., MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, J.R. & PEARCE, J.A. (2007): Geochemistry of two associated ophiolites from the Cabo Ortegal Complex (Variscan Belt of NW Spain). In: R.D. Jr. Hatcher, M.P. Carlson, J.H. McBride and J.R. Martínez Catalán (Eds.). 4-D Framework of Continental Crust.Geological Society of America Memoir, v. 200, 445-467. Boulder, Colorado.

MARTÍNEZ CATALÁN, JR; ARENAS, R; ABATI, J; SÁNCHEZ MARTÍNEZ, S; DÍAZ GARCÍA, F; FERNÁNDEZ SUÁREZ, J; GONZÁLEZ CUADRA, P; CASTIÑEIRAS, P; GÓMEZ BARREIRO, J; DÍEZ MONTES, A; GONZÁLEZ CLAVIJO, E; RUBIO PASCUAL, FJ; ANDONAEGUI, P; JEFFRIES, TE; ALCOCK, JE; DÍEZ FERNÁNDEZ, R; LÓPEZ CARMONA, A (accepted): A rootless suture and the lost roots of a mountain chain: the Variscan belt of NW Iberia.Comptes Rendus Geoscience Académie des sciences, Paris.