
Fernández Díaz, Lourdes

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Despacho 4

Tfno. 91-3944873                                   



Docencia (curso 2018-2019): Mineralogía I (2º Grado en Geología), Mineralogía II (2º Grado en Geología, Prácticas)

Líneas de investigación: Cristalización en Sistemas Biomiméticos. Cristalización en sistemas solución sólida-solución acuosa, Metaestabilidad y polimorfismo, Transformaciones vía solvente y remplazamiento mineral.

Grupo de investigación UCM: "Procesos de formación mineral y Mineralogía Aplicada"

Breve biografía profesional:

Se licenció en Ciencias Geológicas en 1985 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), doctorándose por la misma universidad en 1989. Durante su etapa predoctoral realizó varias estancias de investigación en el departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra de la Universidad de Cambridge (Reino Unido), donde posteriormente también realizó una estancia postdoctoral. En 1990 se incorporó como Profesora Titular de Universidad al Departamento de Cristalografía y Mineralogía de la UCM, en el que es Catedrática de Universidad desde 2007. Ha sido vocal de la Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía en el periodo 2007-2010. Fue miembro de la Comisión Gestora del Instituto de Geociencias (CSIC, UCM) en 2011 y directora del departamento de Geomateriales de dicho instituto entre julio de 2011 y septiembre de 2013. Ha publicado más de 60 artículos en revistas SCI y ha dirigido 5 Tesis Doctorales y 9 Tesis de Licenciatura, DEAs y Trabajos Fin de Máster.



2019. Yin X., Griesshaber E., Fernández-Díaz L., Ziegler A., García-García F.J. and Schmahl W.W. Influence of Gelatin−Agarose Composites and Mg on Hydrogel-Carbonate Aggregate Formation and Architecture. Crystal Growth and Design. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00679

2019. Cuesta Mayorga I., Astilleros J.M., and Fernández-Díaz L. Precipitation of CaCO3 Polymorphs from Aqueous Solutions: The Role of pH and Sulphate Groups. Minerals, v. 9, 178, DOI:10.3390/min9030178

2019. Nindiyasari F., Fernández-Díaz L., Griesshaber E., Yin X., Greiner M., Tsige M., Ziegler A., and W.W. Schmahl. The influence of magnesium on nanocalcite organization in hydrogel-calcite composites. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 31, p. 217-229.

2018. Casella L.A., He S., Griesshaber E., Fernández-Díaz L., Harper L. M., Jackson D. J., Ziegler A., Mavromatis V., Dietzel M., Eisenhauer A., Brand U., and Schmahl W.W. Assessment of hydrothermal alteration on micro- and nanostructures of biocarbonates: quantitative statistical grain-area analysis of diagenetic overprint. Biogeosciences, v. 15, p. 7451–7484.

2018. Greiner M., Férnandez-Díaz L., Griesshaber E., Zenkert M., Yin X., Ziegler A., Veintemillas-Verdaguer S., Schmahl W.W. Biomineral Reactivity: The Kinetics of the Replacement Reaction of Biological Aragonite to Apatite. Minerals v. 8, 315.

2018. Cuesta Mayorga I., Astilleros J.M., Fernández-Díaz L., Morales J., Prieto M., Roncal-Herrero T. and Benning L.G. Epitactic overgrowths of calcite (CaCO3) on anhydrite (CaSO4) cleavage surfaces. Crystal Growth and Design, v. 18, p. 1666–1675.

2018. Greiner M., Yin X., Fernández-Díaz L., Griesshaber E., Weitzel F., Ziegler A., Veintemillas-Verdaguer S. and Schmahl W.W. The combined influence of reagent concentrations and agar hydrogel strength on the formation of biomimetic hydrogel-calcite composites. Crystal Growth and Design, v. 18, p. 1401-1414. 

2017. Roncal-Herrero T., Astilleros J.M., Bots P., Rodríguez Blanco J.D., Prieto M., Benning L.G. and Fernández-Díaz L. Reaction pathways and textural aspects of the replacement of anhydrite by calcite at 25 ºC. American Mineralogist, v. 120, p. 1270-1278.

2017. Reinares-Fisac D., Veintemillas-Verdaguer S. and Fernández-Díaz L. Conversion of biogenic aragonite into hydroxyapatite scaffolds in boiling solutions. CrystEngComm, v. 19, p- 110-116.

2016. Morales J., Astilleros J.M., Matesanz E. and Fernández-Díaz L. The growth of gypsum in the presence of hexavalent chromium: a multiscale study. Minerals, v. 6(1). DOI:10.3390/min6010022

2016. Nuria Sánchez Pastor, Markus Oehlerich, José Manuel Astilleros, Melanie Kaliwoda, Christoph C. Mayr, Lurdes Fernández-Díaz and Wolfgang W. Schmahl. Crystallization of ikaite and its pseudomorphic transformation into calcite: Raman spectroscopy evidence. Geochimica et Cosmoschimica Acta, v. 175, p. 271-281.

2016. Nindiyasari F., Griesshaber E., Zimmerman T., Bechtold T., Randow C., Fernández-Diaz L., Ziegler A., Claudia Fleck C and Schmahl, W.W. The improvement of material properties of gypsum – cellulose composite materials. Journal of Composite Materials v. 50 (5), p. 658-672.

2015. Arroyo y de Dompablo, M.E.; Fernández-González, M.A.; Fernández-Díaz, L. Incorporation of tetrahedral AO42- groups (A = S, Cr, Se) in CaCO3 polymorphs. RSC Advances, 5, 59845-59852. 

2015. Rodler, A.; Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Fernández-Díaz, L.; Frei, R. Fractionation behavior of chromium isotopes during coprecipitation with calcium carbonate: implications for their use as paleoclimatic proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 164, 221-235

2015. Tartaj, P.; Morales, J.; Fernández-Díaz, L. CaSO4 mineralization in carboxy- and amino- functionalized reverse micelles unravels shape-dependent transformations and long-term stabilization pathways for poorly hydrated nanophases (bassanite). Crystal Growth and Design, 15, 2809-28016.

2015. Nindiyasari, F.; Ziegler, A.; Griesshaber, E.; Fernández-Díaz, L.; Huber, J.; Walther, P.; Schmahl, W.W. The effect of hydrogel matrices on calcite crystal morphology, aggregate formation, and co-orientation in biomimetic experiments and biomineralization environments. Crystal Growth and Design, 15, 2667-2685.

2014. Nindiyasari, F.; Griesshaber, E.; Fernández-Díaz, L.; Astilleros, J.M.; Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Schmahl, W.W. The effect of Mg and the hydrogel solid content on the crystallization of calcium carbonate in biomimetic counter-diffusion systems. Crystal Growth and Design, 14, 4790-4802.

2014. Nindiyasari, F.; Fernández-Díaz, L.; Griesshaber, E.; Astilleros, J.M.; Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Schmahl, W.W. The influence of gelatin hydrogel porosity on the crystallization of CaCO3. Crystal Growth and Design, 14, 1531-1542.

2014. Morales, J.; Astilleros, J.M.; Jiménez, A.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Fernández-Díaz, L.Uptake of dissolved lead by anhydrite surfaces. Applied Geochemistry, 40, 89-96.

2013. Fernández-González, Á. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Growth of calcium carbonate in the presence of Se(VI) in silica hydrogel. American Mineralogist, 98, 1824-1833.

2013. Morales, J.; Astilleros, J.M.; Fernández-Díaz, L.; Álvarez-Lloret, P. and Jiménez, A. Anglesite (PbSO4) epitactic overgrowhts and substrate induced twining on anhydrite (CaSO4) cleavage surfaces. J. Crystal Growth, 380, 130-137.

2013. Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Pinto, A.; Astilleros, J.M.; Fernández-Díaz, L. and Gonçalves, M. Raman spectroscopic characterization of a synthetic, non-stoichiometric Cu-Ba uranyl phosphate. Spectrochimica Acta. Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Molecular, 113, 196-202.

2013. Prieto, M.; Astilleros, J. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Environmental remediation by crystallization of solid solutions. Elements, v. 9, p. 195-201.

2013. Astilleros, J.M.; Pinto, A.; Gonçalves, M.; Sánchez-Pastor, N. and Fernández-Díaz, L. In situ nanoescale observations of metatorbernite surfaces interacted with aqueous solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, v. 47 (6), p. 2636–2644.

2012. Morales, J.; Astilleros, J.M. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Nanoscopic characteristics of anhydrite (100) surface growth under low hydrothermal conditions. Crystal Growth and Design, v. 12, p. 414-421.

2012. Morales, J.; Astilleros, J.M. and Fernández-Díaz, L. A nanoscopic approach to the kinetics of anhydrite (100) surface growth in the range of temperatures between 60 and 120 ºC. American Mineralogist, v. 97, p. 995-998.

2011. Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Gigler, A.M.; Jordan, G.; Schmahl, W.W. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Raman Study of Synthetic Witherite-StrontianiteSolid Solutions. Spectroscopy Letters, v. 44, p. 500-504.

2011. Cruz, J.; Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Gigler, A.M. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Vaterite (CaCO3) Stability in the Presence of Chromate. Spectroscopy Letters, v. 44, p. 495-499.

2011. Sánchez-Pastor, N.; Gigler, A.; Cruz, J.; Park, S.; Jordan, G. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Growth of calcium carbonate in the presence of Cr(VI). Crystal Growth and Design, v. 11, p. 381-389.

2010. Putnis, C.V. and Fernández-Díaz, L. Ion partitioning and element mobilisation during mineral replacement reactions in natural and experimental systems. EMU Notes v. 10, 189-226.

2010. Fernández-Díaz, L.; Fernández-González, A. and Prieto, M. The role of sulphate groups in the polymorphism of CaCO3. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 74, p. 6064-6076.

2010. Astilleros, J.M.; Godelitsas, A.; Rodríguez -Blanco, J.D.; Fernández -Díaz, L.; Prieto, M., Lagoyannis, A. and Harissopulos, S. Interaction of Gypsum with Pb – bearing aqueous solutions. Applied Geochemistry, v. 25, p. 1008-1016.

2010. Astilleros, J.M.; Fernández-Díaz, L. and Putnis, A. The role of magnesium in the growth of calcite: an AFM study. Chemical Geology, v. 271, p. 52-58.

2010. C.V. Putnis and L. Fernández-Díaz. Ion partitioning and element mobilisation during mineral replacement reactions in natural and experimental systems. EMU Notes, v10, p. 189-226.