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Noticias - Máster Universitario en Física Teórica

PhD position in the group of Quantum Dynamics and Control at University of Luxembourg

23 abr 2024 - 18:42 CET

We are looking for a motivated PhD student to join the team of quantum dynamics and control, led by Prof. Aurelia Chenu, at the University of Luxembourg. 
We aim to characterize the impact of Hamiltonian symmetries on dynamical effects, such as the transport of excitation. The group has expertise in non-Hermitian systems, open quantum systems, and quantum chaos (See our group: https://chenulab.com). The successful candidate will look at networks representing non-Hermitian systems and identify the parameters that optimize dynamical properties. The project is purely theoretical, with numerical implementation. The project is broadly defined and can be shaped to the candidate’s interest. The ideal candidate will have a Master’s degree in the field related to quantum science and technology. 
We ask for:
• Excellent analytical and numerical skills;
• Solid knowledge of Quantum Mechanics;
• Strong motivation and creativity. 
The student will join a dynamical team and have opportunities to travel and build their network. 
To apply, please send 
• Motivation letter, stating your experience and why you are interested in the position;
• Curriculum vitae (include year of birth);
• Contact of two persons willing to send letters of recommendation.

to contact@chenulab.com with the keyword ‘PhD-ATTRACT’ in the email subject.

Applications will be processed upon arrival. The position will be closed when filled.
Starting date: Oct 1, 2024. (flexible)

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