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Noticias - Máster Universitario en Física Teórica

Two Ph.D Positions at IFIC (The theoretical division of the IFIC, UV-CSIC)

26 sep 2017 - 09:23 CET

In the framework of the project "Advanced phenomenology in the LHC era",

The theoretical division of the IFIC, UV-CSIC, offers two research positions aimed at obtaining a Ph.D. in theoretical physics at the University of Valencia, Spain.

The focus of the research will be on topics related to LHC physics phenomenology and the Ph.D would be led by Francisco Campanario, other senior members of the collaborating groups are G. Barenboim, J. Bernabeu, S. Palomares-Ruiz, J. Papavassiliou, A. Santamaria and O. Vives (http://particles.uv.es/) and A. Pich, J. Portoles and G. Rodrigo (http://ific.uv.es/lhcpheno/ ).

Research activity in the Centre is equally strong on the theoretical and on the experimental fronts and collaboration between the two is on-going and very much encouraged.

Applications must be followed by a CV of the candidate, which must include one or two appointed senior researchers to ask for reference letters, and should be sent to francisco.campanario@ific.uv.es

The net salary (after taxes) will be approx 1180 € per month. Positions need to be filled urgently.

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