Research Projects


Research Team Academic releases

  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2024 (en prensa). " 

    Filled-in petition forms and hand-drafted petitions to the Foundling Hospital. 


    A comparison and the influence of letter-writing manuals". En Unlocking the History of English - Pragmatics, prescriptivism and text types, Luisella Caon, Moragh Gordon and Thijs Porck (eds.). pp. 198-224. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

    Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2024. " 

    Politeness in Petitions Signed by Nineteenth Century British Women before being Transported to Australia". En RAEL (Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada). Volumen 22/1, pp: 44-58


    Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2020. "Variations from letter-writing manuals: humble petitions signed by women in Late Modern London". In Manners and their transgressions in the history of English, Jucker, Andreas H. & Irma Taavitsainen (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 184-212.
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2020. “Women writers in the 18th century: the semantics of motion in their choice of perfect auxiliaries”. In Late Modern English: Novel encounters. Merja Kytö & Erik Smitterberg (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 204-218.
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 2019. “Conservatism or the influence of the semantics of motion situation in the choice of perfect auxiliaries in Jane Austen’s letters and novels”. In Developments in English Historical Morpho-Syntax, Claridge, Claudia & Birte Bös (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 175-198.
  • Nadales Ruiz, Marta. 2016. “From Carmen Burgos Seguí to Emilia Pardo Bazán: A Review of Nineteenth-Century Spanish Women Travellers“ en Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 72; abril 2016, p. 129-142;  ISSN: 0211-5913
  • Tejada Caller, Paloma. (2020). ‘A Cultural Linguistics approach to the “discovery of childhood” in sixteenth and seventeenth century Britain’. Token: A Journal in English Linguistics. vol 10: 181-204, at DOI: 10.25951/4363.
  • Tejada Caller, Paloma. (2020). On Shapelings And Childlings: A Linguistics Approach to the emergence of new cultural borders between the unborn and the new-born child in EME (1500-1700). JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES – VOLUME 18 (2020), 227-252.
  • Tejada Caller, Paloma.(2018b). Unpublished manuscript: Unearthing self and others’ acts of age-identity. The emergence of a linguistic paradigm in Age-studies as applied to the History of English. pp. 134.


  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. October 2023 - The Epistolary Research Network (TERN) Conference, Online, "Early nineteenth-century London undated petition forms with two dates in the body of the text"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. September 2023 - Quills and Characters: Approaches to Women’s Letters 1660-1860, Chawton House, Inglaterra, "Women and letters in Late Modern English books: Salutations and Subscriptions in instruction manuals and in epistolary novels"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. June 2023 - The 7th meeting of the International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 7), Universidad de Brisbane, Australia, " 

    “Trained as a domestic servant in her girlhood”: girls’ lives in 


    Australian female biographical discourse"

  • May 2023 - 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics. Universidad de Oviedo,  

    “unfortunately for me became with child by him”: pregnant language in Late Modern British corpora"

  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Sept/October 2022 - The Epistolary Research Network (TERN) Conference, Online, " “What to trust in a sheet of paper”: letter-writing instruction to women in 17th century England"Calvo
  • Cortés, Nuria. July 2022 - I Inter-university online Seminar on female childhood(s), Universidad Complutense Madrid. "Challenges when analysing the conceptualisation of girlhood: the case of the Australian Dictionary of Biography"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. June 2022 - HiSon (Historical Sociolinguistic Network) Conference, Universidad de Murcia, "“A Female Child of which she was delivered”: relativiser which referring to humans in Late 18th century petitions"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. May 2022 - LModE-7 - 7th International Late Modern English Conference. Universidad de Catania, Ragusa-Ibla, Sicilia, Italia. "Speaking of ‘forced impurity’ in ‘pure’ language? Servants’ expressions of guilt in 18th century London petitions"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Junio 2021 - ICHLL 11: International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology. Universidad de Logroño, España. "I was put to bed of a baby girl: the language of giving birth in English from the 16th century onwards".

  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 

    Junio 2021 - ICEHL 21: International conference on English historical linguistics. Universidad de Leiden, Holanda. “To the Honble the Governors & Guardians of Exposed & Deserted Young Children”: A comparison between filling in a petition form and drafting your own in Late Modern London. 

  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 

    Febrero 2020 - V Seminario Interacciones Socio-Cognitivas del Discurso: Discursos Emergentes y Periféricos y su Proyección Social. Universidad Autónoma Madrid. “‘Humble petitions to the Governors’: Women petitioners in late 18th century London.”

  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Septiembre 2019 - Born Yesterday: Cross-Disciplinary Investigations into Birth, Midwifery and Childhood. Universidad de Nottingham. "Mothers as passive roles in childbirth in 18th century Britain".
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Julio 2019 - 12th International Conference on (Im)Politeness. Universidad de Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge. "Your dutiful and devoted Servant”: Politeness in Late Modern British petitions".
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Mayo 2019 - CILC, XI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Análisis del Discurso desde la Óptica del Corpus, Universidad de Valencia. "Auxiliary verbs in perfect tenses in Late Modern English fiction: conservative or influenced by motion situations?"
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria. Mayo 2019 - CILC, XI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Análisis del Discurso desde la Óptica del Corpus, Universidad de Valencia. " “Too old to write love letters” and “too old for romantic leads”: a contrastive corpus-based study of age collexemes in Late Modern Britain" (co-presentado con la Dra. Marta Nadales Ruiz)
  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria.Abril 2019 - English Historical Lexicography in the Digital Age. Focus on Social and Geographical Variation, Universidad de Bérgamo, Italia. “Yʳ Petitioner was about Three months ago Delivered of a Female Infant”: Understanding birth in 18th century England.
  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria.

    Octubre 2018 – AELCO, XI Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva, Universidad de Córdoba. “Too old for oysters at midnight”: age in 18th and 19th century English novels”



  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 

    Agosto 2018 – 14 ESSE – Universidad de Brno, República Checa, “I am Greatly Distresed at present gentlemen”: 18th and 19th century low class women in despair, a style of their own”



  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria.

    Agosto 2018 – ICEHL XX, International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Universidad de Edimburgo, Reino Unido. “I am a poor girl that has met with A Misfortune” and “We unfortunet suffers bow down to you”: similarities and differences in 18th & 19th century English petitions”



  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria.  

    Febrero 2018 – Historical Pragmatics 2018, Universidad de Padua, Italia. “Seduction and Misfortune: Politeness in Petitions by 18th century British Servants with (il)legitimate Children”



  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 

    Octubre 2017 - Linguistic Approaches to Dialects in English Literature (LADEL), Universidad de Salamanca. “Maria Edgeworth’s gone”: Possible Reasons for her Choice of Auxiliary Verb in Perfect Tenses"



  •  Calvo Cortés, Nuria. 

    Agosto 2017 – LMEC-6, The Sixth International Conference on Late Modern English, Universidad de Uppsala, Suecia. “Women Writers at the End of the Long 18th Century: The Semantics of Motion in Their Choice of Perfect Auxiliaries”



  • Calvo Cortés, Nuria.  

    Junio 2017 – ICLAVE, International Conference on Language Variation in Europe, Universidad de Malaga. “The Same Need Conveyed in Different Ways: Variation in Early 19th century English Women’s Petitions”

  • López Narvaez, Julia.  (2020) “The Construction of a Stereotype. The Fallen Woman Portrait in Tess of the d’Urbervilles through the Masculine Perspective” en UPCEL 2020. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 29 de enero 2020.
  • Nadales, Marta. (2019) “La construcción de un estereotipo: El retrato de The Fallen Woman en Tess of the d’Urbervilles a través de la percepción masculina, en las VI Jornadas a la Iniciación de la Investigación Lingüística, Universidad de Extremadura (Cáceres), 21 de noviembre de 2019


  • Tejada Caller, Paloma. (2019). Speakers as cultural insiders. Or what linguists may contribute to the idea of a “normal life”. Plenary lecture delivered at the IABA -Europe conference (Madrid).


  • Tejada Caller, Paloma. (2018a). A Cultural Linguistics approach to the discovery of childhood in 16th and 17th c Britain. Unpublished talk delivered on the public session called for the obtaining of Full Professorship at the UCM.