Áreas Docentes e Investigadoras

Mario Morellón

Mario Morellon

English  Spanish


Signature of papers: Morellón, M.


Departamento de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas
Universidad Complutense
José Antonio Nováis, 12. 3th floor. Office 3B
28040 Madrid, Spain

Research lines

Quaternary Paleoclimatology. Sedimentology and geochemistry of lake sequences. Seismic stratigraphy of lacustrine basins.

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Degree in Geology at the University of Zaragoza (2004), I completed my PhD (2009) at the same institution. My research as a PhD student (2005-2009) was carried out at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology (IPE) – CSIC and it was focused on the reconstruction of NE Iberian Peninsula palaeohydrology for the last 20,000 years based on the multidisciplinary study of the sedimentary sequence of Lake Estanya (Southern Pyrenees). In 2010 I was hired by the University of Glasgow as a Research Assistant through the NERC. The goal of this postdoctoral project was the reconstruction of the Indian Summer Monsoon on the Tibetan Plateau during the Holocene through the analisys of stable isotopes on ostracods at the sedimentary record of Lake Peiku Co (China). Afterwards, I was awarded with a postdoc fellowship by the Spanish Government for two years (2010-2012) at the Sedimentology Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland). I carried out high-resolution seismic stratigraphy studies and multi-proxy analyses on annually laminated sediments in lakes Banyoles (Spain) and Butrint (Albania). Postdoctoral fellow of CSIC at the Institute of Geosciences (IGEO) – CSIC – UCM between 2012 and 2016, I centred my research activity on the reconstruction of abrupt hydrological changes in the Central Mediterranean region during the last millennium through the analysis of stable isotopes in the laminated sediments of Butrint (Albania). Since 2016 I combine my research activity with teaching, first at the University of Cantabria (2016-2018) and currently at the Complutense University of Madrid (2019-present), where I currently hold an Assistant Lectureship. My current research is focused on the impact of climate change and human impact on recent sedimentation at lakes and estuaries of the Cantabrian region (N Spain) and I teach several subjects related to Stratigraphy at the degrees of Geology and Geological Engineering at the UCM.

I am specialized on sedimentology and geochemistry of Quaternary lake deposits, with special regard to seismic stratigraphy and laminated sediments. My scientific activity has been linked to Paleoclimatology and Global Change, a research line currently developed by the Department of Geodynamics, Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the UCM. The goal of my research is the reconstruction of paleoclimate and paleohydrological conditions in areas influenced by the main modes of climate variability (NAO, ENSO, monsoon systems) at different timescales, from the Lateglacial to the Anthropocene and their relation with human occupation level and activities, based on the multi-proxy analysis of lake sediments.

I have participated on several national and international projects based on Spain, South America and Asia: LIMNOCLIBER (CICYT), Climate and hydrological variability in the Iberian Peninsula since the Last Glacial Maximum; GRACCIE (CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010 programme), Gradual and Abrupt Climate Changes, and their Impacts on the Environment; and the project ‘The centennial-scale response of the Indian monsoon to Holocene climate change: a high-resolution lake sediment isotope record from Peiku Co, Tibet’, funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) (United Kingdom), among others. PI of the projects: HYVARMED (CGL2013-42645-P BTE), Impact of W-E Hydrological Variability in The Mediterranean Basin During the Last Millenium (2014-2015); and GECANT (CGL2017-82703-R): Climate and human drivers in the geoenvironmental evolution of the Cantabrian Region during the Anthropocene: integrating coastal, mountain lake and geomorphological records (2018-2021).

Ongoing project

GECANT (CGL2017-82703-R): Climate and human drivers in the geoenvironmental evolution of the Cantabrian Region during the Anthropocene: integrating coastal, mountain lake and geomorphological records. 2018-2021. IP: Mario Morellón Marteles.

Selection of Publications

  • González-Sampériz, P., Gil-Romera, G., García-Prieto, E., Aranbarri, J., Moreno, A., Morellón, M., ... & Andrade, A. 2020. Strong continentality and effective moisture drove unforeseen vegetation dynamics since the last interglacial at inland Mediterranean areas: The Villarquemado sequence in NE Iberia. Quaternary Science Reviews242, 106425. Link
  • Valero-Garcés, B.L., González-Sampériz, P., Gil Romera, G., Benito, B.M., Moreno, A., Oliva-Urcia, B., Aranbarri, J., García-Prieto, E., Frugone, M., Morellón, M., Arnold, L.J., Demuro, M., Hardiman, M., Blockley, S.P.E., Lane, C.S., 2019. A multi-dating approach to age-modelling long continental records: The 135 ka El Cañizar de Villarquemado sequence (NE Spain). Quaternary Geochronology, 101006.
  • Morellón, M., Aranbarri, J., Moreno, A., González-Sampériz, P., Valero-Garcés, B.L., 2018. Early Holocene humidity patterns in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from lake, pollen and speleothem records. Quaternary Science Reviews 181, 1-18.
  • Morellón, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Ariztegui, D., Brushulli, B., Sinopoli, G., Wagner, B., Sadori, L., Gilli, A., Pambuku, A., 2016. Human - climate interactions in the central Mediterranean region during the last millennia: The laminated record of Lake Butrint (Albania). Quaternary Science Reviews 136, 134-152.
  • Morellón, M., Anselmetti, F.S., Valero-Garcés, B., Giralt, S., Ariztegui, D., Sáez, A., Mata, M.P., Barreiro-Lostres, F., Rico, M., Moreno, A., 2014. The influence of subaquatic springs in lacustrine sedimentation: Origin and paleoenvironmental significance of homogenites in karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain). Sedimentary Geology 311(0), 96-111.
  • Valero-Garcés, B., Morellón,M., Moreno,A.,Corella,JP, Martín-Puertas,C., Barreiro,F., Pérez,A., Giralt, S., Mata-Campo, MP., 2014. Lacustrine carbonates of Iberian Karst Lakes: Sources, processes and depositional environments, Sedimentary Geology, 299: 1-29.
  • Morellón, M., Pérez-Sanz, A., Corella, J.P., Büntgen, U., Catalán, J., González-Sampériz, P., González-Trueba, J.J., López-Sáez, J.A., Moreno, A., Pla-Rabes, S., Saz-Sánchez, M.Á., Scussolini, P., Serrano, E., Steinhilber, F., Stefanova, V., Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T., Valero-Garcés, B., 2012. A multi-proxy perspective on millennium-long climate variability in the Southern Pyrenees. Climate of the Past 8(2),  683-700.
  • Moreno, A., González-Sampériz, P., Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B.L., Fletcher, W.J., 2012. Northern Iberian abrupt climate change dynamics during the last glacial cycle: A view from lacustrine sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 36,  139–153.
  • Roberts, N., Moreno, A., Valero-Garces, B.L., Pablo Corella, J., Jones, M., Allcock, S., Woodbridge, J., Morellon, M., Luterbacher, J., Xoplaki, E., Turkes, M., 2012. Palaeolimnological evidence for an east-west climate see-saw in the Mediterranean since AD 900. Global and Planetary Change 84-85,  23-34.
  • Moreno, A., Pérez, A., Frigola, J., Nieto-Moreno, V., Rodrigo-Gámiz, M., Martrat, B., González-Sampériz, P., Morellón, M., Martín-Puertas, C., Corella, J.P., Belmonte, Á., Sancho, C., Cacho, I., Herrera, G., Canals, M., Grimalt, J.O., Jiménez-Espejo, F., Martínez-Ruiz, F., Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T., Valero-Garcés, B.L., 2012. The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from marine and lake records. Quaternary Science Reviews, 43, 16-32.
  • Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B., González-Sampériz, P., Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T., Rubio, E., Rieradevall, M., Delgado-Huertas, A., Mata, P., Romero, Ó., Engstrom, D., López-Vicente, M., Navas, A., Soto, J., 2011. Climate changes and human activities recorded in the sediments of Lake Estanya (NE Spain) during the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age. Journal of Paleolimnology 46(3),  423-452.
  • Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B., Vegas-Vilarrúbia, T., González-Sampériz, P., Romero, Ó., Delgado-Huertas, A., Mata, P., Moreno, A., Rico, M., Corella, J.P., 2009. Lateglacial and Holocene palaeohydrology in the western Mediterranean region: The Lake Estanya record (NE Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews 28(25–26), 2582-2599. IF = 4.521Times cited = 80
  • Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B., Anselmetti, F., Ariztegui, D., Schnellmann, M., Moreno, A., Mata, P., Rico, M., Corella, J.P., 2009. Late Quaternary deposition and facies model for karstic Lake Estanya (North-eastern Spain). Sedimentology 56(5),  1505-1534.
  • Morellón, M., Valero-Garcés, B., Moreno, A., González-Sampériz, P., Mata, P., Romero, O., Maestro, M., Navas, A., 2008. Holocene palaeohydrology and climate variability in Northeastern Spain: The sedimentary record of Lake Estanya (Pre-Pyrenean range). Quaternary International 181,  15-31.