Sabela Fondevila

Psychobiology Department UCM & Center UCM-ISCIII for Human Evolution and Behaviour

Monforte de Lemos, 5, Pab. 14

28029 Madrid, SPAIN

Tel.: +34 91 822 28 37



Sabela Fondevila graduated in Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2005). She started her research carrier by investigating the long-term neuropsychological and psychopatological effects among ritual users of hallucinogens in different mestizo communities of the Amazon basin.

Afterwards, she gained a FPI fellowship in Cognitive Neuroscience and joined Manuel Martín-Loeches’ team. She got her PhD in December 2013 with a project focused on the semantic processing of religious and metaphoric thinking using ERPs (Event-Related Potentials). During this time, she visited the Institute for Psychology (Humboldt Univ), the MindLab (Aahrus Univ) and the Religious studies Dept. (Victoria Univ) establishing partnerships that continue to date.

In her postdoctoral period she is doing research on how social cues influence perceptive, emotional and cognitive control mechanisms within an Affective, Cognitive and Social Neuroscience framework.