
Iliana Olivié Aldasoro

bandera españolaProfesora Titular del Departamento de Economía Aplicada, Estructura e Historia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde imparte docencia en las materias de análisis económico y desarrollo económico en programas de posgrado. Doctora en Economía, también es investigadora principal del Real Instituto Elcano, donde entre otras funciones coordina el Índice Elcano de Presencia Global. Asimismo es vocal experta del Consejo de Cooperación al Desarrollo (órgano consultivo del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación), vicepresidenta para policy engagement de la European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) y directora del European Think Tanks Group (ETTG).
Especializada en estudios del desarrollo, investiga en materia de desarrollo internacional, incluyendo la agenda global de desarrollo, las políticas de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo (particularmente la de la Unión Europea y la española) y la financiación global del desarrollo (inversión directa extranjera, remesas internacionales de migrantes).
Ha participado en más de 30 proyectos de investigación nacionales e internacionales y cuenta con más de 100 publicaciones, incluyendo artículos académicos, libros, capítulos de libro, informes y artículos de divulgación. Ha colaborado asimismo con organismos multilaterales como el Consejo Económico y Social de Naciones Unidas (ECOSOC) y el Parlamento Europeo
Algunas de sus publicaciones recientes son “China’s Stances towards International Norms Viewed through the Belt and Road Initiative” (capítulo en co-autoría con Mario Esteban en China and International Norms. Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative, libro co-editado por Mario Esteban y Lin Yue, Routledge, Londres, 2023); “How is aid used to exert power? Gender equality promotion and migration control in Senegal” (Journal of International Development, 34(8): 1509-1526, 2022); “Whose and what aid securitisation? An analysis of EU aid narratives and flows” (Third World Quarterly 42(8):1-20, 2021, con Aitor Pérez), “China and Western Aid Norms in the Belt and Road: Normative Clash or Convergence? A Case Study on Ethiopia” (Journal of Contemporary China, 31(134): 267-284, 2021, con Mario Esteban) y “Is this the end of globalization (as we know it)?” (Globalizations 17(6):990-1007, 2020, con Manuel Gracia).
Pueden econtrarse más detallas sobre su perfil investigador en ResearchGate y en Google Scholar.

Bandera inglésAssociate Professor at the Department of Applied & Structural Economics & History in Complutense University of Madrid, where she teaches macroeconomic analysis and economic development in post-graduate programs. Ph.D. in Economics, she is also Senior Analyst at Elcano Royal Institute, where she coordinates the Elcano Global Presence Index, among other activities. She is a member of the Spanish Council for Development Cooperation (a consultation body of the Spanish Administration), Vice president for policy engagement of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) and director of the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG).
Specialized in development studies, she works on international development, including the global development agenda, development cooperation policies (particularly those of the European Union and Spain) and global development finance (foreign direct investment, international migrant remittances).
She has participated in more than 30 national and international research projects and has more than 100 publications, including academic articles, books, book chapters, reports and policy-oriented articles. She has also collaborated with multilateral bodies such as the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the European Parliament.
Some of her recent publications are “China’s Stances towards International Norms Viewed through the Belt and Road Initiative” (chapter with Mario Esteban in China and International Norms. Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative, book co-edited by Mario Esteban and Lin Yue, Routledge, London, 2023); “How is aid used to exert power? Gender equality promotion and migration control in Senegal” (Journal of International Development, 34(8): 1509-1526, 2022); “Whose and what aid securitisation? An analysis of EU aid narratives and flows” (Third World Quarterly 42(8):1-20, 2021, with Aitor Pérez), “China and Western Aid Norms in the Belt and Road: Normative Clash or Convergence? A Case Study on Ethiopia” (Journal of Contemporary China, 31(134): 267-284, 2021, with Mario Esteban) and “Is this the end of globalization (as we know it)?” (Globalizations 17(6):990-1007, 2020, with Manuel Gracia).

More details on her research profile can be found in ResearchGate and Google Scholar.


  • Esteban, M. e I. Olivié (2023), “China’s Stances towards International Norms Viewed through the Belt and Road Initiative” en Esteban, Mario y Lin Yue, China and International Norms. Evidence from the Belt and Road Initiative, Routledge, Londres)
  • Olivié, I. (2022), “How is aid used to exert power? Gender equality promotion and migration control in Senegal”, Journal of International Development, 34(8): 1509-1526.
  • Olivié, I. y A. Pérez (2021), “Whose and what aid securitisation? An analysis of EU aid narratives and flows”, Third World Quarterly 42(8): 1-20.
  • Esteban, M. e I. Olivié (2021), “China and Western Aid Norms in the Belt and Road: Normative Clash or Convergence? A Case Study on Ethiopia”, Journal of Contemporary China, 31(134): 267-284.
  • Olivié, I. y M. Gracia (2020), “Is this the end of globalization (as we know it)?”, Globalizations 17(6): 990-1007.