Grupos de investigación

Jimena López-Arrabé


During the last years, my studies have focused on the ecophysiological relationships in birds in an evolutionary context. In particular, my research has been developed around the role of oxidative stress during reproduction and development, using birds as a study model. Currently I am interested in the researh of existing relationships between different hormonal, immunological, and oxidative stress markers and different patterns of behavior, coloration, parasite-host interactions, toxicity, and fitness, with the aim of study how these relationships mediate individual trade offs and life histories of birds and the role they have in the conservation of different species.

During several years of postdoctoral research period at the Faculty of Biological Science, I was able to complement my research work with teaching tasks in the Biology Degree, giving practical classes in different subjects such as Zoology, Experimental Biology or Parasitology and Transmission Vectors.

Still attached to the Research Group in Evolution and Conservation Biology, currently, and since the beginning of 2023, I continue developing my research and teaching activity as Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Here my teaching tasks, with a theoretical-practical nature, are developed in the Zoology Teaching Unit of the Departmental Section of Physiology and are mainly focused on the subject of Chemistry, Zoology and Botany Applied to Veterinary Medicine of the Veterinary Degree and the subject of Biology of the Food Science and Technology Degree.

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  +34 91 394 3833

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