
A. Udías (1999). Principles of Seismology 



 A. Udías (1999). Principles of Seismology 

Format: Paperback, 489pp.    ISBN: 0521624789     Publisher: Cambridge University Press 

Book Description:


This is a text on seismology at the introductory level. It covers most of the fundamental aspects of the subject and is intended to be as student friendly as possible, but with enough detail of mathematical developments and with emphasis on understanding fundamental concepts. The author describes the application of seismology to the knowledge of the structure of the Earth's interior and the origin and nature of earthquakes. The book contains a large number of figures to help make the text more easily understood, together with extensive problems and exercises. The author explains the fundamental concepts in full detail with step-by-step development of the mathematics, although the book does assume a knowledge of vector and tensor analysis, calculus, and ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as of fundamental physics, especially mechanics and elasticity theory.



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Corrections courtesy Augustin Udías