Reproduction service

This service is carried out by Unidad de Proyectos, Digitalización y Acceso al Documento del Patrimonio Bibliográfico. For research or study purposes Rare books are either microfilmed or digitalized within the Dioscorides Digital Library project.

All digital images in this collection are submitted to the Spanish Copyright Acts(art. 37 del R.D.L. 1/1996 de 12 de abril). Reproduction restrictions of certain items can also be determined by conservation purposes.

According to current legislation, copies are provide exclusively for scholarly or scientific research purposes; Consequently, they are not allowed to be reproduced or published for profitable aims. Researchers using any records in the collection should include a credit line with each item used. A copy of every work that uses library’s holdings must be donated to the Complutense University’s Library.

Only modern books and microfilms.

Photocopies from microfilms:     0,15€ each copy

Copies on CD:
Digitalized images are stored on TIFF at 400 dpi.
Rare books reproductions can be ordered through electronic form, ordinary mail, telephone, fax or email:

Unidad de Proyectos, Digitalización y Acceso al Documento del Patrimonio Bibliográfico
Biblioteca  de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Biblioteca Histórica "Marqués de Valdecilla"
C/ Noviciado, 3
28015 Madrid
: 913946642 - 913946612 - Fax: 913946599. E-mail:

Digital Images Fees

Item 2005 Fees

Each digital image of a full text book

0,35 € 

Each initial group up to 10 images 

9,10 €

Each digital image in addition to the first group. 

1,25 € 

No distinction is made between CD and paper copies. Only for books before 1800

UCM members: Digital images of full text books: 0,20€. Each initial group up to 10 images:7,00€

(plus postage and packing)


correo electrónico  Historical Library "Marqués de Valdecilla"

Spanish Version